The Evils Of Illmire
After watching several videos praising it, I decided to grab a pdf copy of
The Evils of Illmire. The adventure was written, produced, and features
layout b...
2 hours ago
The Haunting of Hastur is a campaign designed to integrate with starting adventures like the 5e boxed set, or other introductory works and take the party through level twelve.
The party members start out on a job to investigate missing people and are pulled into a confrontation with those who would bring Hastur back to the world.
The campaign is a non-linear adventure that leaves a lot of room for roleplaying.
The book will be about 240 pages, case bound hardback with a full cover interior on 70-pound paper. This tome includes the following adventures: DNH1a – Sidequest – River Crossing, DNH1 – The Lost Temple of Forgotten Evil, DNH2 – The Buried Zikurat, DNH3 – The City of Talos (Adventure, Gazetteer and Bestiary), DNH4 – Confronting Hastur, and DNH5 – Carcosa. All of which have been previously run as individual projects on Kickstarter to publish the old school, detached cover module prints.
The PDF rewards for this campaign include the PDF versions of the Complete editions of the five individual modules. The complete version includes the 5e, OSR and in two cases, the Pathfinder version of the adventures.I should mention that Kevin is having the original B&W art colorized for this release.
We’ll be releasing the Q2 Industry Report pretty soon as the Q1 report was a little delayed. Until then, please enjoy the complete Q1 2018 Industry report below:The 1st Quarter report follows the above paragraph on the original post, found here.
(ADOM) is a complete redesign from ground up with a fresh new rules system based on the best OSR games out in the field, extended by what makes ADOM unique:
- A tantalizing Corruption mechanic representing the powerful lure of Chaos. How far will you go down the road of damnation for the powers to help you defeat the very thing you are fighting?
- A non-Vancian spell system based on power points providing many tactical options to caster classes. Will you draw on your very own life force to power the vital spells needed to survive an encounter? Will you give in to the whispering madness of Chaos to provide your spells with that special extra kick?
- A morality system where Law and Chaos should never be confused with Good and Evil.
Treacherous Traps is an incredible resource for game masters who are looking to get more out of their dungeon design. The book contains two hundred and fifty pre-built traps ranging in level and severity so that you can always find the perfect trap for your party.
There is also a chapter containing a random trap generator written, in part, by the legendary Steve Winter. This chapter contains fifty trap triggers, and fifty trap effects that, when combined, create up to twenty-five hundred different combinations.
Although the content in this book and collection of card decks is written for 5th Edition D&D, the trap concepts and mechanics can be easily adapted for use with other editions of D&D as well as other fantasy themed tabletop RPGs. (emphasis mine)
Welcome to the toughest, most violent armored combat competition in the world today. “Knight Fight” steps inside the world of the full-contact Armored Combat League — often referred to as “Medieval MMA” or “Knight Fight Club.” This blood sport is a full-contact armored combat league where modern-day warriors battle in over eighty pounds of plated armor with real steel weapons. Rooted in historical traditions, for the first time, these knights are set to wage war as each episode features six new fighters who customize era-specific armor, garb and weaponry and engage in numerous battle rounds to see who has the skill and strength to win the ultimate Knight Fight. Hosted and judged by WWE superstar Jay “Christian” Reso, the winner walks away with a championship title, $10,000 and a spot in the season finale for a chance to become the first ever “Knight Fight” champion.Live by the sword, die by the sword: knights were some of history’s most brutal warriors. With an armor of steel and a will of iron, they took part in some of the bloodiest battles ever fought. So dedicated were these warriors, that between meets they would challenge one another to extreme trials of combat. “Knight Fight” introduces both beginner and expert armored athletes of different ages and backgrounds – many taking this on as a second profession – ready to endure a ruthless, intense and physically demanding tournament. Targeting a specific time-period each episode, “Knight Fight” examines the Vikings vs. Byzantine Knights, Barbarians vs. Roman Knights, Knights Templar, 100 Years War and much more.Reso is joined by expert judges Andre Sinou, Co-Founder and Creator of the Armored Combat League, and John Clements, Director of the Association for Renaissance Martial Arts. Impressing the judges on the criteria of aggression, technique and defense in each of the following rounds will be no easy feat: the grand melee, three one-minute battles where it is every man for himself; a two on two team melee and a duel where the final two competitors left standing face off in an epic head to head clash. With $10,000 on the line and a coveted title, only one can emerge victorious.“Knight Fight” is produced for HISTORY by Matador Content. Executive Producers for Matador Content are Jay Peterson and Todd Lubin with Vincent Cariati serving as Showrunner and Executive Producer. Jim Pasquarella and Mary E. Donahue are the executive producers for HISTORY. A+E Networks holds worldwide distribution rights for “KnightFight.”
A minimum of twenty single or double page mountain excursions to use as side quests or stand-alone adventures for your Fantasy RPG. There are over twenty-six pages of encounters found within cold mountain passes and snowy locales. As your player's characters travel through the frozen wasteland, they will come across tombs, yeti caves, snow drake lairs, deserted lodges, and more! These adventures are a great way to add additional encounters during travel, or to handle an unexpected change in direction!Then there are the stretch goals and daily goals: