The Evils Of Illmire
After watching several videos praising it, I decided to grab a pdf copy of
The Evils of Illmire. The adventure was written, produced, and features
layout b...
2 hours ago
A Level 1 Adventure
At long last, the first adventure ever published for DCC RPG is now available! This is the updated second printing that was first released at Gary Con 2014. It features a fresh edit and several new pieces of art!
High above the windswept moors and darksome woods, the village of Hirot is under siege. Each night, as the sun sinks beneath the western mountains and the candles burn low, a devil-beast stalks the village streets, unleashing its savage fury on the living. From warlord to pauper, crone to child, no one is safe.
Defeating the immortal hound will require more than mere blades or even spells. To slay the beast, the characters must delve into the mysteries of the land and its Savage Kings. Only then, armed with relics forged from a bloody past, can the most cunning and courageous of adventurers challenge the hound of Hirot!The Monster Alphabet
An A-to-Z Reference for Classic Monster Design
What foul beasts slosh and gibber in the furthest reaches of your skull? Unleash your demons with the Monster Alphabet, a compilation of monster design elements keyed to letters of the alphabet.
A is for Android, B is for Breath Weapon, C is for Crossbreed! Game masters of any rule system will find inspiration for creating strange, new abominations: random tables of traits, powers, and lore; awe-inspiring illustrations by your favorite fantasy artists old and new; and rolling handfuls of dice directly on monster generation diagrams.
The entries are accompanied by fantastic art from classic fantasy illustrators and are compatible with all fantasy role playing games.
Featuring a foreword by noted designer Frank Mentzer!
Rules Set: Systems-neutral, designed to be used with any RPGMalevolent and Benign
Evoking the early days of roleplaying, Expeditious Retreat Press is pleased to release Malevolent and Benign, a new 1e monster book with 150 new creaures and more than 85 illustrations in this 128-paged tome, compatible with the first edition of the world's most popular roleplaying game!
Evoking the early days of roleplaying, Expeditious Retreat Press is pleased to release Malevolent and Benign II, a new 1e monster book with 150+ new creatures and more than 75 illustrations in this 110-paged tome, compatible with the first edition of the world's most popular roleplaying game!
We’ve moved to the 7th printing of the Castles & Crusades Players Handbook. A pillar of the table top RPG industry, Castles & Crusades embodies the spirit of the old-school gamer with the easy to use modern mechanics. The Players Handbook has all you need to get started in a wild ride of adventure!
It’s easy to learn attribute-based rules system allows players to choose among 13 archetypal character classes and 7 races to create their characters. Spells, equipment, fast-paced combat rules, and all essential information needed to play a game of Castles & Crusades is in this book.
The World of Aihrde, (Codex of Aihrde/map) is your storyboard. Its vibrant mythology, and an unfolding history, makes the World of Aihrde an unparalleled fantasy setting. With a wealth of playable material, Aihrde is like a tapestry unfolding, one that you can make your own!
Rich in adventure hooks, Aihrde is like no other on the market today. It infuses character generation with an energy unique for its genre, and arms the game master with material that is both fixed and malleable.
The world of Aihrde spins upon an earth-like axis of ancient civilizations where good and evil have struggled for countless years. It is a world that bears the markings of its past; where ancient evils slumber, stained with the power of eldritch wizardry; where gods dwell in bejeweled halls of wonderment, worshiped by men and women of all creeds; where dragons live in great dens of heaped treasure; where the new stands upon the ruins of the old in beds of ancient glory.
The Codex of Aihrde includes everything you need to get started adventuring in one of the most expansive game settings you'll ever enjoy.
The Codex is presented in two parts:
Part 1 The Andanuth (roughly 102 pages): Here we learn the story of Aihrde, from its uttermost beginning to the present age. It follows the journey of All Father, the creation of the gods and the world. We learn who the gods are and how they interact long before the coming of the dwarves and man. The story covers the creation of these people and more and all their long journeys and travails from their arrival to the realms of the day. The Andanuth is generously sprinkled with stories and tales of gods and men, dwarves and goblins, war and peace. You'll not wonder what happened'll know.
Part 2 The Almanac (roughly 170 pages): In part 2 we dive into the particulars of the gods, the people, countries, places and realms of Aihrde. There are over 50 gods outlined for play, a dozen peoples including all your favorites (dwarves, elves, men, halflings, gnomes, orcs, goblins, giants, trolls, dragons and more). Each of 30 plus realms are intimately detailed with history, government, economy, military, present rulers and other specific information. Beyond that we have terrain that is detailed as well.
Appendices: Several Appendices cover extra material such as detailed time line, calendar, weather patterns, languages, and flora of Aihrde.There are a bunch of affiliate links above. Affiliate links keep the beer cold and the lights on here at The Tavern. I thank you in advance for your support.
Welcome to Hexagram, an old-school RPG zine for The Fantasy Trip that, we hope, won't be a one-and-done project. Starting out as a 16 page (8.5-inch by 5.5-inch) B&W publication, your support has made the zine a reality and, with luck, will push the page count higher and higher as we attract more backers.
(Later note: Up to 24 pages now, and still more than a week to grow.)
What's inside Hexagram? Great stuff, including:
3 bucks for the PDF. 6 bucks plus shipping for the print copy.
- "Snackromancer," by Guy McLimore. An encounter for use with The Fantasy Trip.
- "Overloading a Treasure Chest," by Philip Reed. What goes into packing an 8+ pound roleplaying game boxed set?
- "Rumors and Truths," by Steven Marsh.
- "Twenty Terrible Traps," by Steve Jackson. Don't throw away your d20. We have much evil love for it.
- A preview of our next BIG TFT campaign, with samples!
- Plus more articles to be determined!
Shutting down Google+ for consumer (personal) accounts on April 2, 2019
January 30, 2019
In December 2018, we announced our decision to shut down Google+ for consumers in April 2019 due to low usage and challenges involved in maintaining a successful product that meets consumers’ expectations. We want to thank you for being part of Google+ and provide next steps, including how to download your photos and other content.
On April 2nd, your Google+ account and any Google+ pages you created will be shut down and we will begin deleting content from consumer Google+ accounts. Photos and videos from Google+ in your Album Archive and your Google+ pages will also be deleted. You can download and save your content, just make sure to do so before April. Note that photos and videos backed up in Google Photos will not be deleted.
The process of deleting content from consumer Google+ accounts, Google+ Pages, and Album Archive will take a few months, and content may remain through this time. For example, users may still see parts of their Google+ account via activity log and some consumer Google+ content may remain visible to G Suite users until consumer Google+ is deleted.
As early as February 4th, you will no longer be able to create new Google+ profiles, pages, communities or events. See the full FAQ for more details and updates leading up to the shutdown.
If you’re a Google+ Community owner or moderator, you may download and save your data for your Google+ Community. Starting early March 2019, additional data will be available for download, including author, body, and photos for every community post in a public community. Learn more
If you sign in to sites and apps using the Google+ Sign-in button, these buttons will stop working in the coming weeks but in some cases may be replaced by a Google Sign-in button. You’ll still be able to sign in with your Google Account wherever you see Google Sign-in buttons. Learn more
If you’ve used Google+ for comments on your own or other sites, this feature will be removed from Blogger by February 4th and other sites by March 7th. All your Google+ comments on all sites will be deleted starting April 2, 2019. (empasis mine) Learn more
If you’re a G Suite customer, Google+ for your G Suite account should remain active. Contact your G Suite administrator for more details. You can also expect a new look and new features soon. Learn more
If you're a developer using Google+ APIs or Google+ Sign-in, click here to see how this will impact you.
From all of us on the Google+ team, thank you for making Google+ such a special place. We are grateful for the talented group of artists, community builders, and thought leaders who made Google+ their home. It would not have been the same without your passion and dedication.So, I went with the learn more link and this is what I got: