Spider-Verse x Anime Art
Check out these fun Marvel x Anime mashups by The_Monsterwolf.Spider-Mirko
(Marvel x My Hero Academia)Carnage Devil (Marvel x Chainsaw Man)
3 hours ago
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https://kotaku.com/graphic-novel-about-d-ds-creator-is-enchanting-but-fal-1795058665 A quote from our Intrepid Reporter |
Gail used to attend the show (Gary Con), but stopped in 2016 (I saw Gail in attendance at my first Gary Con in 2017.) She said that a man named Erik Tenkar, who runs a blog about old-school role-playing games, had in private conversations joked that Gail would try to trademark the word “cunt,” and that he would burn the rubber bricks she’d use for her memorial. (Let me understand this - Gail is the one supplying the quotes. From some unknown private conversation with who exactly? No wonder there are no screenshots. No wonder I don't recall saying any of this. Great reporting. Someone got paid to write this shit?) In his public blogs, he had meticulously documented, and often criticized, Gail’s every public move on behalf of Gary’s legacy. (Negative. I reported on the Gygax Memorial Fund. I documented evidence to support my postings. Any of that in this story? Mind you, story is the keyword here) Gail said she planned on attending the VIP dinner at Gary Con until Luke told her that she would not be comfortable there since Tenkar would be in attendance. (I have never been a VIP at Gary Con, nor have I attended a VIP dinner nor been invited to such
Later, on his blog, Tenkar wrote in an open letter to Gail that “the attendies [sic] of Gary Con are pretty negative about your presence.” I reached out to Tenkar to ask about his views. He declined to be interviewed for this story, then posted our entire email exchange on his blog. (yes, I did. Got your knickers in a bind, diidnt it?) When Kotaku sent another email to Tenkar for fact-checking, he did not respond, but posted that email on his blog, too. (Yes, I did. And your implied threat) Tenkar continues to attend Gary Con, and Gail said she is still afraid to be around him. (with the apparent state of mind the article shows Gail to be in, she seems to have many fears)
In 1981 the Basic and Expert game for the world's greatest fantasy RPG was released. Written by Tom Moldvay, David "Zeb" Cook, and Steve Marsh, these two comprehensive books created a complete fantasy game system that exploded on the gaming scene and made it into mainstream game markets. This game system is alive and well some 38 years later! This pioneering game was later revised into what is commonly called BECMI and later into the Rules Cyclopedia. But even as those systems further expanded the game, Basic and Expert (B/X) retained a huge following - one that still thrives today. It is with this history in mind that we have decided to create two new books, the B/X Player's Handbook and Dungeon Guide. Instead of merely retro-cloning this system, we have separated the player rules and game master rules into separate books. We have also expanded the character classes, added spells, weapons, monsters, magic items, and much more. All the while, we have steadfastly maintained the simplicity and elegance of the original game. We have done all of this with one thing in mind; we are not replacing the Basic and Expert books, we attempting open the game up for more opportunity to new and old players alike. You no longer have to search for those beat up copies of the rule books - it's all here and more!My thoughts - I was introduced to RPGs with AD&D 1e. I feel very comfortable with having the Players' and GMs' material in separate books. Additionally, in my old age, I find B/X and its various clones to be more my current style of play. Tastes great, less filling ;)
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49 bucks |
This campaign seeks to broaden MapForge's current offerings by producing several more fantasy-themed mapping content Add-Ons (equivalent to 8 products' worth of content) which will, for the first time, support the creation of area/regional scale maps (MapForge has thus far been limited to tactical-scale battlemaps).Note, you'll need Mapforge to get full use of the resources offered in this Kickstarter.
Cade's Big Book o' Booze is a humorous zine designed to be used with the 5th edition of the world's most popular fantasy rpg. While the tone is jovial, the book itself will contain content useful for any fantasy game.
Fun stuff :)
- The "Intoxicated" condition and what it entails
- New alcohols for your fantasy game to add some flavor (pun-intended) to your campaigns
- New equipment and weapons, including the formidable dwarven battle mug
- Cade's Bar Guide: a list of materials/ingredients found in the game world and how to use them to make the ultimate cocktails
- New magic: spells and magic items
- New monsters to face, including the b'ooze and the dreaded bad beer elemental
- NPC stats for Cade Ashworthy, the titular planehopping halfling
- And more...
In addition to the pledge rewards at funding, all backers will receive PDF copies of Conspiracy Theories A SURVIVE THIS!! Zine: Issue 1: The Dark Door and Conspiracy Theories A SURVIVE THIS!! Zine: Issue 2: Frostbitten by Bloat Games. I want to thank Eric for his generosity.More fun stuff!