because I am literally without words.
note: not a hack
Pocket Sized Perils #5
For every Ptolus: City by the Spire or Zweihander: Grim & Perilous
Roleplaying or *World’s Largest Dungeon* or Invisible Sun—the desire to
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2 hours ago
ReplyDeleteGenerally useful comments in this situation are:
ReplyDelete1. Well, that was awkward.
2. No good will come from it.
3. It will all end in tears.
Pick one and change the subject.
ReplyDeleteErrrr... What?
ReplyDeleteAre these confirmed, it is very easy to fake Facebook posts.
ReplyDeleteApparently people reached out to him to give him a chance to explain himself and he doubled down on the comments so.... I guess that's confirmed.
DeleteThis guy has his facebook privacy w i d e open. There's so much more, none of it good
ReplyDeleteOh it's locked down now!
DeleteTook him long enough, the dumbass
DeleteDidn't have a chance to check and now it appears to be secure. TY for the confirmation.
DeleteI should have done a few screen grabs. He had anti-gay and pro-grabbing ass posts, and I only made it back to October.
DeleteYeah it's real. I went and checked it out myself. Very disturbing.
ReplyDeleteI just exchanged some private messages with him concerning the Jewsmedia comment.
ReplyDeleteHe asked me not to share his text, which I will respect. I will only say yes, he absolutely believes what he said. This does not appear to be some slip of the tongue or poorly chosen phrase by him where he meant something different than what he said.
Why respect his request? If he's willing to say these things on a public forum, why not your conversation? It only helps him, not the people he is attacking.
Delete"We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." -- Elie Wiesel's Nobel Peace Prize Speech, December 1986
Bear- In this case, confirmation that "yup, that is what Bob thinks, and not a hack nor a poor choice of words" note is sufficient. Resorting to the low road will only weaken the case as it would be doing a wrong thing.
DeleteThis guy has always been an open and proud bigot.
ReplyDeleteThis comes as no surprise to anyone who's been paying attention.
In the current climate (both in the U.S. and in the old school RPG scene), he has no need or reason to hide.
He is just appealing to his customer base, sadly.
I mostly keep to myself, writing my blog and interacting with a fairly small group of bloggers/publishers within the OSR. I haven't seen widespread antisemitism. I'm not saying it's not out there, but please don't be afraid to point it out.
Delete2020 is worse than I feard it would be.
I tend to dwell and keep in my own circles as well (which sadly shrank after G+ died) so when information like this hits I'm glad to have it pointed out.
DeleteAnd Andy Action is definitely not afraid to call out hatred and bigotry in the RPG scene when he sees it. He's a good egg that one.
What utter b.s.
DeleteHe is obviously not appealing to his customer base. They have all rebuked him. You will not find a single Judges Guild fan saying "I agree." Which, if your thesis that the current climate encourages it is correct, they obviously wood.
DeleteYou are objectively wrong. Maybe time to check your own bigotry, Andy. Even if the current climate encourages it.
Mr. Frau, I hate to break it to you, but I’ve been reading comment after comment of people defending this guy in multiple contexts, all public. Anyone who is paying attention is observing the same, as the racists, misogynists and anti-Semites scuttle out of the woodwork, clamoring to claim the “edgelord of the week” title on the scraps of this shit show.
DeleteYou can tell yourself that I’m the problem all you want, but if you believe that calling out bigots is the same as being a bigot, then I wood [sic] suggest that you don’t know what that word means.
The truth is somewhere between the twos extremes you are both referring to. Yes, there are those directly or obtusely defending Bob. It is a noticeable minority. To claim no one is defending him or a large contingent is, is disingenuous at best, purposely misleading at worst
DeleteI have not seen anyone defending his comments, but I have not scoured the internet as Andy claims to. I have seen many Andy-like people falsely claiming once again that this is evidence of bigotry among old schoolers. I know what bigotry is, I have seen and dealt with it for five decades. It doesn't always look like what you want or think.
DeleteTenkar, I am being neither misleading or disingenuous; it is false on your part to claim that and I resent the mischaracterization. I genuinely have not seen anyone defending him, but I take it you have so I will plead ignorance instead.
And yes, that typo was bad.
I agree with Andy. I friended Andy on FB because of his OSR contributions, love of music, and he's a standup guy with common sense politics and honestly one of the nicer guys who does stand up for what's right. Jeff Dee as well.
DeleteThere is tons of crap in the OSR groups, it's pathetic and sad just like our current political culture.
I can verify, Bob was a total closed minded bigot asshole every single time he said something in any kind of political or "cultural" discussion. Anyone who encountered Bob online knows this...he's a mouth breathing bigot who thankfully is gone.
I'm also disgusted by people liking, loving, and even defending the dude.
Good riddance.
Thanks for your kind words, Dungeon Beef & Capricorn Rising.
DeleteThese types of incidents in our community tend to really bring the bigots and their enablers and apologists out of the woodwork in droves.
The happy byproduct is that we learn who they are and don’t have to share our gaming tables with them!
This isn't the first time Bob II has posted this type of crap. He posted some anti semitic Holdomor comments about a year ago that I took screensshots of.
ReplyDeleteI'm honestly curious why you would take screenshots and and sit on them for a year?
DeleteWere you debating wether to bring it to other's attention?
This is not an attack, I'm just curious, it never occurs to me to screenshot stuff.
I'm angry that people these days that people are more comfortable letting their bigotry show.
I know why people hold onto those screen grabs for a year.
DeleteBecause sometimes, you have no clue if posting them will generate a negative reaction to the perpetrator or yourself.
Having rape threats and death threads flooding your inbox because some bigot's fans see you as the target du jour is a horrible way to spend two weeks of your life, falling behind on your projects that barely pay the bills.
Saving them to use when it's convenient to take someone down, most likely. Looks like this one took himself down.
DeleteNote his comment on these two public posts of his:
Well, I suppose it's good to know he, um, feels that way. I'm a more informed consumer. I didn't have any plans to purchase from them in the near future, at least. Oh well.
ReplyDeleteThey would have to successfully release a product before you could boycott it. So don't hold your breath!
Deletei don't know who he is can some one care to explain how he relates to the OSR?
ReplyDeleteHis father founded Judges Guild.
Deletethanks for putting it into context. really a nobody and now a bigot.
DeleteIt doesn't
DeleteThere is also a wayward KS (started by Bob III, who royally dropped the ball) which Bob II picked up and was in theory making progress on. There were volunteers out there who offered to help out with proofing and such in an attempt to move things along. I doubt any of us will wish to follow through on that offer now. We certainly won't want any KS backer credit in the finished product as some KS projects do.
DeleteOK....this is just outright antisemitism right here:
Met him once at NTRPG con, before the big failure of the CSIO Kickstarter. He was not a nice guy, and definitely not a gamer. Hope to never cross paths with him again.
ReplyDeleteApples and trees. I am glad to see that this type of conduct is finally being called out.
ReplyDeleteCorrected link:
DeleteWow HamsterKnight's post shows that Both RB II and RB III are anti semitic shitbags. wow
ReplyDeleteand another one shows his true colors. sigh.
ReplyDeleteThat’s the end of JG then. I’ll keep my good memories of classic JG though. Never heard anything but good things about RB the founder,
ReplyDeleteGood reason not to let your kids take over the family biz.
DeleteI would not be cool with someone saying that to my face with an intentional outlook. However, this seems too sensational and might be some revenge profile. So I would be absolutely positive before condemning the whole franchise. Before Gary died in 2008, there was two fake profiles for Gary Gygax on Facebook so this might be some asshat stunt ala several reddits and blogs that thrive off shit like this. If this is true and Bledsaw III is crude like that then he needs a swift kick in the ass. I was never a big follower of Judges Guild but I know a lot of OSR folks find it interesting. Most JG material went trendy by the end of the 80s so thats why I never really got into the brand as I was too Gygax-centric. That said, I would like to say that most OSR people are cool. Except maybe in the very beginnings of the OSR on my forum the anti-establishment and free atmosphere dragged in a lot of scum that I couldn't take and I had to nuke it twice. OSR got a bad rap because of my libertarian-like positions as the biggest mouth on the internet just before it started. OSR has zero to do with me and is a buttoned down far cry from my free speech spectacle. Thats why I don't have "OSR" on anything that I do. My stuff is either straight AD&D Gygax era for the blog or as product for sale is drliberately generic for any game. All that said I hope this is a big mistake for Judges Guild but if it isn't then I'm not cool with it.
ReplyDeleteGene, he absolutely 100% supports the posts he posted, and it is definitely not a fake account. If you have any connection to him, you can ask him yourself.
DeleteI am a Jewish guy. I have dealt with anti-semitism during my lifetime. This isn't some silly "woke" attack on Mr. Bledsaw. This is out and out unapologetic bigotry. It's America so he has the right to spout whatever views he has. People died so that idiots like him can spout blather. But I don't have to like it. I don't have to condone it. I don't have to purchase anything from JG. Apparently many distributors have done their own research and have cut ties with him.