Saturday, December 26, 2020

OSR Christmas Day 5 - OSR Patch Collection - Three Patches to Rule Them All, and in Gaming Bind Them

Yep, it's that time again. Today we have two sets of Thad's amazing OSR patches to gift to The Tavern's community. You've seen them at conventions, you've seen photos online, but here is your chance to have your own set.

So, how can you get gifted on Day 5 of OSR Christmas? Simply comment below with the magic item your favorite character would want to find under their holiday tree. Two random commenters will be chosen to be gifted. This is a physical product AND ships worldwide due to Thad's generosity and holiday spirit. 

Comments must be in by Monday, December 28th, @ 12 noon.

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  1. My Swashbuckler would LOVE to revive the Guise of the Deceiver from the EQ world!!!

  2. I would like my character to find the first magic weapon one one of my first character's ever won: Wave!

  3. Gothwyn the Fighter/Magic User/Thief wishes to receive a shirt of Mithril

  4. My PC would like the “Spear of Fate” from the Adventurers Backpack for C&C

  5. Haggis Sneed, magic-user and wilderness chef, would be delighted with a Decanter of Endless Water. (For full effect, say it with the voice Don Adams gave to Maxwell Smart, which I lifted for the character.)

  6. Glovey the halfling thief would like to get the pouch of the poor traveler

  7. Talindra Leafwise wishes for a periapt of wound closure.

  8. A Deck of Many Things for when things got boring.

  9. Finn the red, would like to get a magic greatsword that gave extra bonuses against spellcasters.

  10. Big Moogie wishes for an endless bottle of 100%-pure strawberry and kiwi juice!

  11. Big Moogie wishes for an endless bottle of 100% pure strawberry and kiwi juice.

  12. Gamble Thorn, my Human Magic User/Thief would like to own the enchanted "Patch of Membership". When worn, it will automatically alter its appearance to match that of an organization the wearer is dressed as, lending official credibility to his disguise.

  13. Love the patches. Thanks again to all helping with 12 days1
    ya'all have a great New Year.

  14. Mephadrias the Elf would love to find a pair of Elven Boots because despite his good dexterity score he constantly botches sneaking rolls and his party members always have to help him out...

  15. My Cleric would like the Deck of Many Things. Not to use it regularly but as a doomsday plow. When it's about to end he'll take out the deck and play 52 pickup.

  16. My Cleric would like the Deck of Many things. As a doomsday plow he'll start a "game" of 52 pickup and let things sort themselves out.

  17. Swae Jureau. My Half-Elf Bard will probably appreciate the Lyre Lyre Pants on Fire. A magical instrument that makes listener’s bottom clothing combust.

  18. My thief (trader trader) would Leomonds tiny hut attached to a horse and cart for the ultimate camper Van.

  19. My barbarian is a little leery of magic but a good magic ax would be fine.

  20. Gennock, my cleric of nothing, would love a Talisman of the Sphere...and Matching Sphere of Annihilation for the set. You know, because he's a collector.

  21. The Rod of Lordly Might because whoever thought that one up just had to be compensating for something.....

  22. Anyone know where you could find either the top or bottom logo as a bumper sticker or car window decal?


Tenkar's Tavern is supported by various affiliate programs, including Amazon, RPGNow,
and Humble Bundle as well as Patreon. Your patronage is appreciated and helps keep the
lights on and the taps flowing. Your Humble Bartender, Tenkar

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