The Winners of the Lanasian Craptor Contest Are...
The quality of the entries for the Design a Lanasian Craptor Contest was simply stunning. I received entries via, Facebook PMs, and Discord PMs. Some folks wished to remain anonymous. Our first-place winner is such an entry. But the quality of the entries meant there HAD to be some runner-ups. All of the entries were good, and choosing the top three was not an easy task. IMHO, all are of publishable quality and you can read all of the entries that were submitted to this blog at the above link. - Tenkar
Winners need to email me at tenkarsDOTtavernAT that gmail thing. Please put Lanasian Craptor in the subject of your email.
Coming in First Place, and receiving a $60 DTRPG Gift Certificate is the entry from an Anonymous Discord User (but sure as hell I know who they are ;)
Yep, you can print out the page and place it in your Monstrous Compendium. Holy shit, but Rach and I were rolling with the text of this one.
The First runner-up, receiving a $20 DTRPG Gift Certificate is from stavag. Stavag gives you enough to design an adventure around.
MOVE: 15
% IN LAIR: 100
DAMAGE/ATTACK: Bite (d6+1) or kick (2d4)
SIZE: VS trapped in a M body
Found naturally in derelict ruins. Occasionally attempts to infiltrate the subterranean levels of wealthy occupied properties and feed off of scraps from the oblivious owners. Unfortunately it is compelled to call to others of its kind once per day with a shrill, terrible screech and anyone within 300’ must save vs. spell. If they make the check, they are alerted to the presence of the Lanasacraptor. Combat with a Lansacraptor results in it immediately calling for help, resulting in a cacophony of noises and stunned incomprehension without much actual action. The gravest threat from the Lanasacraptor is to hear it’s call to the point that one is rendered mentally incompetent.
Combat abilities:
Once per round, Lanasaraptor can make one attack AND use it’s special call. A natural attack roll of 10 or lower results in the Lanasacraptor doing the damage to itself, regardless of target roll.
Special Calls: roll d20 to determine its outcome:
1-8 A low, repeated guttural grunt that sounds almost like laughing- Summons d6 Lesser Grognards
9-11 A long, loud roar- Summons 1 Greater Grognard. Only one Greater Grognard can be summoned per combat. Reroll if the Greater Grognard has already been summoned.
12-13 A series of short chirps- Summons 1 Lesser Lawyerdactyl who will join combat until injured and then flee.
13-14 An angry scream- Attracts 1 Greater Lawyerdactyl who will fight AGAINST the Lanasacraptor
15-17 Similar to the first call, a low guttural HURR-HURR sound- All PCs within range must make save or lose -1 INT until the Lanasacraptor is defeated.
18-19 An extremely high-pitched wail- All creatures within range (allied or enemy) must make save or be stunned for 1 round
20 A strained choking cry- Stuns itself for one round
Lesser Grognard
These tiny, hairy humanoid creatures stand only about 12” tall and blindly attack the party with their unusually large and bony foreheads until they are defeated.
Greater Grognard
Normal-sized humanoid, its only function is to place itself between the Lanasacraptor and its attackers and absorb damage. Anyone attacking the Greater Grognard must make a save vs. spell or the player must hold their action for the round.
Lesser Lawyerdactyl
MOVE: 30
Flies above the party and emits a sonic attack once per round. Players save vs. spell or be stunned for 1 round. The Lesser Lawyerdactyl will cease attacks and attempt to flee as soon as it takes any damage.
Greater Lawyerdactyl
MOVE: 30
Unlike the other creatures summoned by the Lanasacraptor, this creature is attracted as its enemy. The Greater Lawyerdactyl will make two attacks and then depart. First, it will attempt to stun the Lanasacraptor (save vs. breath weapon) then the following round it will use a diving melee attack. If successful, it deals 2d8 damage but takes all the treasure from the Lanasacraptor and its lair, leaving none for the party.
Our Second Runner-Up is Shakeshift. Shakeshift receives a $10 DTRPG Gift Certificate. This entry truly made me smile.
Terrain: Tattoo Parlors, Military Weapon Expos
Diet: Taunts
Activity Cycle: Night (Only When Intoxicated and also on Twitter)
# of ATTACKS: 5
THAC0 19
DMG: 1-2/1-2/1-2/1-2/1-2
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Deceptive Illusion, Blocking Aura, Fear-Based Teleport
TREASURE TYPE: E (see below)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Annoying
The Lanasacraptor is a weird cryptozoological marvel of engineering. Borne from a test tube when alchemists combined an otyugh, a brain-damaged owlbear, a second-level fighter, and a used sheepskin condom together to see what its gestalt form would be, and what came forth forever would be known as... "The Lanasacraptor!"
This pitiful excuse for a monster will never leave its own lair for fear of being compared to every other monster (which is honestly superior to it in every way.) Instead, this pathetic excuse for a humanoid will pretend to be other monsters far more dangerous than itself by using its natural CHANGE SELF ability of illusion. It will approach prey and pretend to be the monster it has used as a disguise, claiming to be the authentic monster and that ".....It is back, and better than ever!" - Anyone with a WIS score of 9 or higher though can see through this poorly-crafted disguise and will be able to recognize this monster for what it is.... a jealous pretender. This will not stop the Lanasacraptor though from threatening legal action against any and all nonbelievers if anyone starts to point out that the illusion is now revealed.
The Lanasacraptor also has the ability to BLOCK any person who has angered it in any way by using an abjurative aura that lasts for a minimum of fourteen days. Anyone attempting to harm the Lanasacraptor when blocked by this aura must make a saving throw vs spells to even initiate hostilities. Failure means that the attacker simply cannot see or find the Lanasacraptor anywhere that they look, almost as if the monster has removed itself from the battlefield. The Lanasacraptor uses this tactic to launch a vicious first assault on round one (a series of five sissy slaps done with adrenaline-fueled fear) and then BLOCKS the individual afterward because it fears any and all forms of retaliation and will cower and hide like a little sissy bitch.
The creature's only real attack mode which is magical is the Doxxing power it has. By using weak-willed lackeys (those with a WIS score of 8 or less who are still affected by the illusory glamor) the Lanasacraptor can find information on its prey and use TRUENAME (as the 7th level wizard spell) as an attack form on its target if it has 1d6 days to prepare this special attack form. While vicious in nature, anyone who is affected by this spell may simply use a DISPEL MAGIC to negate the advantage. Without the help of a minion, however, the Lanasacraptor is incapable of using its doxxing power because it's not smart enough to be able to doxx victims on its own.
The only other defense the Lanasacraptor has happens when the creature loses more than half of its hit points from any attack. If it does get injured to this point, it can use TELEPORT WITHOUT ERROR to escape from harm's way, crawling back under the flat rock which is its normal home.
NOTE: The treasure type listed is for the Lanasacraptor under normal circumstances. However, if a Lanasacraptor foolishly decides to take action against any magic-using opponent of greater power, the chance of possessing this treasure suddenly becomes questionable. Lanasacraptors are annoying and dim-witted beasts, but in any engagement against magic-users, the Lanasacraptors forfeit all of their worldly wealth to the (far superior) intellect and power of any Wizards, and the treasure type of the Lanasacraptor may be permanently adjusted to (NIL) shortly afterward. There is no known way to offset this penalty. Woe to any foolish little Lanasacraptor who pisses off any Wizards!
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You can catch the daily Tavern Chat podcast on Anchor, YouTube, or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar
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This must have been a tough one to judge! All were excellent. Kudos to the winners and to everyone who submitted an entry.