Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Deal of the Day - Filling in the Blanks (OSE/OSR)

I am a sucker for campaign resources and tools.

Filling in the Blanks is a guide to populating hexes with lairs and features to use in fantasy role-playing games. While written specifically for Necrotic Gnome's Old School Essentials it is compatible with virtually all OSR-style games, and can be used with more modern versions of the game with little effort.

It provides tables for randomly generating the number and type of lairs and features that can be found while exploring the wilderness and guidance on how to craft the results into coherent setting details.

I literally just purchased the Filling in the Blanks PDF and expect to do a deep dive in a week or so.

Filling in the Blanks is normally 10.95 in PDF, until tomorrow it is 4.38.

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