Swords & Wizardry Light - Forum

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Wait! Star Frontiers: New Genesis is for Realz?!? And Who is Mario Real?

Yep, Star Frontiers: New Genesis is "for realz". I have a PDF copy and my God, it is a steaming mess. It's written as if its sole purpose is to troll WotC and embarrass them to the point they pay nuTSR  to simply make SFNG and nuTSR go away. Far away.

I strongly suspect that is NOT going to happen.

That being said, it appears either Dave J or Justin L wishes to threaten yours truly with "slander" and I ("Tenkarp") run the risk of being "sude". Someone is calling "lawers". I hope they are Bar certified "lawers".

Did you notice the comment above by "Mario Real"? It just validated the content of the PDF I was given. Talk about sinking your own ship.

In any case, the comment was deleted shortly after I posted my comment. I wonder why that would be?

You can view the first installment of what will surely be a many-part series below.

As an aside, if I do get "sude", I may seek funding to hire an attorney. Hopefully, it will have more success funding than nuTSR had in funding their lawsuit against WotC ;) In any case, I suspect the WotC suit will settle first, and any "discovery" would be totally to my advantage, and not just for the reasons stated above. Any such filing would likely fall under NYS's Frivolous Conduct Sanctions. I could always use a tattoo parlor or two, but I'll pass on the grits ;)

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It seems that Mario(Lanasa) I suspect is very very angry, but it is nice of him to verify that it's genuine because otherwise how could he possibly think to sue you over it.

  2. Strangely, the comment is back up.

    1. I accidentally deleted it, but still had a copy, so replied.

  3. Why the hell do these people bother. The sums of money involved can't possibly be worth all of the hassle they give themselves.

  4. I'm well-versed in bird law, if that helps.

  5. Sign a worn appledabbit or you're a liar!!!

  6. When we started playing TSR games soooo many years ago, who ever thought it would come to this? Anyone?

    1. I mean, there's a reason the collaborative homebrew community called them They Sue Regularly, so, legal action from an RPG company is one of the least surprising things I can think of. That it's legal action against *waves* THIS ... well, no. Say what you will about games like FATAL*, but they at least put in the work to be produced legally.

      * No, please do, so long as it's mocking.
