Thursday, December 15, 2022

OSR Christmas Day 2 - Comment and Ye May Be Gifted!

Art by Fugli

It's the most, wonderful time of the year - it's time for OSR Christmas! I just verified, and this is officially the 10th Year for OSR Christmas. Holy Santa, but that's a lot of gift-giving!

Now, this is Day 2 of OSR Christmas. Some may ask: "where was OSR Christmas Day 1?" Day 1 was on the Tavern's Youtube Channel last night on the 8 PM Livestream. Day 3 will also be on the Tavern's Youtube Channel, tomorrow December 16th, on the 8 PM Livestream.

To be in the mix to be potentially gifted one of the following gifts, you need to comment below. One random receiver will be picked for each gift sometime after 10 PM Eastern Time, Saturday, December 17th. So you have over 2 full days to get your comment in. Note: if you are outside the United States, I need you to indicate such. Some gifts are cost-prohibitive to ship outside the US. Blame the USPS, not us.

So, without further delay, the gifts in today's mix are:

$10 DTRPG Gift Certificate, donated by The Tavern - Worldwide

OSR Refrigerator Magnet, donated by Thadeus Moore - Worldwide

Shadowdark PDFs, full set, donated by James Mishler Games - Worldwide

Arduin Map - Physical, donated by Emperors' Choice Games- Worldwide

Comment, comment, comment...

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar  


  1. Wishing a Merry Christmas to the OSR crowd!

  2. Merry Orcmas to all, and to all a good knight!

  3. Well met! US here; Minnesota to be exact, which just got dumped on with the recent storm from the south.

  4. LOL You have lured me into the comments here. Like Free beer.

  5. Thanks for running this again Erik, best of luck to all!!

  6. Quote: " Merry Christmas you filthy animal!"

  7. Love this time of year. Thank you for all you do. Happy Holidays!

  8. Merry OSR Christmas!! May we all roll well!!

  9. Ahh, Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukkah/Yule/Kwanzaa/etc. To Everyone In The OSR. May your season be full of joy, friends, family, and fun.

  10. Have a wonderful holiday season, relaxing with friends, colleagues and family close at hand, with your favorite beverage in one hand, and several dice in the other. Think of all of the good times, and the memories you cherish! Happy Holidays everyone!!!

  11. Nice, playable rules there. Merry Christmas to all!

  12. Ho Ho OSR and Merry Christmas to all. TSR era Oldschool play -BX and classic era TSR lives at https://orderofthecrimsondeath.blogspot.com/

  13. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays- I hope to get a Big Gygax tee to wear for games this year


Tenkar's Tavern is supported by various affiliate programs, including Amazon, RPGNow,
and Humble Bundle as well as Patreon. Your patronage is appreciated and helps keep the
lights on and the taps flowing. Your Humble Bartender, Tenkar

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