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Sunday, February 5, 2023

Kickstarter - Isometric content Add-Ons for MapForge map-making software (Battleground Games)

I've been a fan of Heruca and Battlegrounds Games for years, it may be even a decade or more. When I was researching VTTs back in the day, the Battlegrounds Games forums were my go-to location to get info and ask questions. sadly, the forums appear to be down right now, but I was always impressed that Heruca was quite happy to have conversations about VTTs that were in competition with his own VTT in his own forums. That took both integrity and confidence in his own work, and it was refreshing.

These days, Battlegrounds Games has been working hard in expanding the content available for its well-regarded MapForge mapmaking software. The current Kickstarter- Isometric content Add-Ons for MapForge map-making software, is as it says on the tin, about adding Isometric content to the ever-growing MapForge library.

Isometric maps were made popular by many computer RPGs and strategy games. A lot of people, however, might be familiar with the map style but not necessarily with the technical term "isometric". Maps made with with isometric graphics can create spectacular, richly detailed visuals.

For GMs of pen-and-paper RPGs, such maps are often more useful as visual aids than as tactical battlemaps that you would move tokens around on. However, some virtual tabletop programs (aka VTTs) now support isometric maps, and that number should gradually increase.

While the majority of potential backers of this project will likely be tabletop RPG gamers, isometric mapping is something that non-gamers can really enjoy, too. Creating isometric maps/illustrations is a fun, creative, and rewarding activity that anyone, regardless of drawing skill (or lack thereof) can enjoy.

 If you're not already familiar with MapForge, here's a quick recap:

  • MapForge is easy-to-use software for Windows and Mac OS that makes high-quality maps for printing or for use in virtual tabletop software (e.g., Roll20, Fantasy Grounds, etc.).
  • It can be used for free (no license required for low resolution output).
  • Comes with 52 free content Add-Ons (covering a variety of game genres and mapping styles).
  • You can download and try the software out for yourself, to evaluate it and see if the program is what you want/expect it to be.

Assets from this KS start at 4 bucks a pack. The full Mapforge Software is 35 bucks, and well worth the price. 

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  1. Thanks for the writeup! I put together this YouTube playlist to make it easy for potential backers to watch all the campaign videos at better quality than on the KS campaign page. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnOSpNvFah1EsjKE5Udlfnwua3WoaNtay

  2. Now about 50% funded, with 15 days remaining.

    KS Update #2: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/battlegrounds/isometric-content-add-ons-for-mapforge-map-making-software/posts/3726580
    (Worth a visit to snag a FREE sampler pack of 22 PNG mapping assets!)

  3. Now about 50% funded, with 15 days remaining.

    KS Update #2: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/battlegrounds/isometric-content-add-ons-for-mapforge-map-making-software/posts/3726580
    (Worth a visit to snag a FREE sampler pack of 22 PNG mapping assets!)

  4. Free sampler pack of 22 isometric assets available here:

  5. 71% funded, only $537 to go, 4 days remaining.

    Just a reminder that even if isometric mapping isn't your thing, this campaign is also a way to pick up a MapForge license at a discount, in case you want to make top-down or hextile maps.

  6. I'm happy to say that the campaign funded, though it happened in the last few hours of the last day.

    40 minutes remain, for any procrastinators still out there.
