Swords & Wizardry Light - Forum

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Stuck at Home Working on Some Stuff (Totally My Fault!)

Stuck at Home Working on Some Stuff (Totally My Fault!)
So this weekend was/is Long Con and you know who isn't attending? Yep, this guy. It's really frustrating because this convention is only about a 5 hour drive away...totally doable, if only I'd....I don't know....actually referenced a fricken calendar. I completely failed to realize that Veterans' Day (observed) was this Friday so I had a three day weekend!

The only way it could have been worse was if Long Con was held at a Marriott, since I could've stayed for free if I wanted (it'd cost, but no out-of-pocket cash).

Oh well, I guess I'll just have to stay at home and cook some BBQ. It's a small consolation for not having fun all weekend....but I was home to receive my Christmas gifts (bought/made) for my gaming group. I mean the packages would still be there when I got home later this afternoon, but clearly I had to be here to avoid porch pirates.....yeah, that's the reason I stayed home. Thanksgiving is next week, so it'll be the Christmas rush/season before you know it!

Well I am taking some of the unexpected free time to work on a thing or two for next year's NTRPG, allegedly clean my house (better luck next week!), and get my new "other" gaming toys (computer) prepped. After my trip to Alaska I had enough money saved up to pick up a new computer that is more portable for travelling and tableside use, but a bank canvas, er computer, needs a lot of work before it'll be ready to use.

Speaking of using a computer at the gaming table.....I'm looking for suggestions of needed software. I've been playing with Dungeon Alchemist for some map making. I'm also using a few table generator programs and another for playing sound effects/music, but I'm not sure if I want to stick with MapTools anymore. I don't need much more than pushing a map to a portable screen, but I also don't know what I don't know so......any suggestions for a tabletop computer program that makes GMing easier or the game a bit more immersive.....

.....send 'em my way.

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