Swords & Wizardry Light - Forum

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Deal of the Day - Magical Industrial Revolution

There are some resources for RPGs that you might not need NOW, but you'll be happy to have down the line. Magical Industrial Revolution is one of those resources and, as the current Deal of the Day, until tomorrow morning is on sale for 40% off in PDF.

This book is about Atlantis before the tide turned. It’s about Hyperborea before it vanished between dimensions. It’s about Nu Yark Citee before the Mushroom Bombs hit.

It’s a setting guide to the greatest and most ambitious city in the world: Endon. It’s about a world slowly tipping onto its side, and all the interesting things that begin to slide at the start of a revolution. It’s about people with grand dreams pushing the boundaries of the possible, and the strange machines and devices they create along the way.

But mostly, it’s about magic.

Magical Industrial Revolution: A Pre-Apocalyptic Setting Guide contains a wealth of information to supplement Role Playing Games, including:

• Maps, People, Buildings, Dungeons, Factions, and Villains of Endon

• Eight Pre-Apocalyptic Innovations

• Hundreds of Magic Items and Spells

• Rules for Magical Industry

• Useful Tools for Urban Campaigns

• Horrible Monsters and Nightmarish Creatures

• And much, much more.

By Skerples, the author of the CoinsandScrolls blog, Tomb of the Serpent Kings, Kidnap the Archpriest, Epochrypha, and Magical Murder Mansion. Art by Jonathan Newell, Logan Stahl, & Luka Rejec. Editing, layout, and incalculably valuable assistance by David Shugars. Additional editing by Fiona Geist.

Three very useful pamphlets featuring magical industrial tips, hanging ballads, and local attractions are provided along with the 156 page book. The PDF is fully optimized and bookmarked.


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