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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Deal of the Day - How to Make a Fantasy Sandbox

I've got to say, I own everything Rob Conley / Bat in the Attic has published. Rob understands the OSR at a depth like few do.

How to Make a Fantasy Sandbox was a recent Kickstarter from Rob, and it is an Electrum Seller on DriveThruRPG (it will be Gold shortly, of that I am sure. Normally How to Make a Fantasy Sandbox is priced at 14.99, but as the current Deal of the Day, until tomorrow morning How to Make a Fantasy Sandbox is on sale for 3 bucks. Yep, 3 bucks - I kid you not!

How to Make a Fantasy Sandbox!

Starting in 2009, I wrote a series of 24 posts on the Bat in the Attic Blog covering the different aspects of creating a hexcrawl formatted setting.  Now that the blog posts are completed, I combined and rewrote these posts into a single book.  In addition to advice about creating your setting, the post fleshs out the Isle of Pyade into a small setting that you can drop into your own campaign.

What is a Hexcrawl-formatted setting?

This type of setting starts with a hex grid placed over the map with each hex numbered.  The hex locations of the various locales, such as lairs, are noted and arranged into an index.  This format provides a convenient way to reference detailed local information within the setting.

You can look at the map, see the hex number the location is in, and then look it up quickly in the book.  It works in reverse as well.  You can read about a location in the book, with its hex location noted in the text.  Then, look up where it is on the map quickly.  This format allows easy access to dozens of detailed locations scattered across the setting map, if not hundreds. 

Hexcrawls and Sandbox Campaigns

Sandbox campaigns are distinguished by the fact the players drive the campaign forward by their choices.  In a sandbox campaign, the players may decide to head west instead of east in pursuit of their goals.  The ease of looking locations up makes the hexcrawl-formatted setting a valuable tool for the referee trying to keep ahead of their players while running a sandbox campaign.

How to Make a Fantasy Sandbox will teach you how to make a hexcrawl-formatted setting and explain what details are essential to include to handle the different types of sandbox campaigns. 

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