Monday, July 8, 2024

Announcement - EGG Con is Seeking Donations to Fund the E. Gary Gygax Memorial Scholarship

I shared this on YouTube and am now posting it on the blog. It's a good cause, so look in your gaming collection and see if there is anything you can spare - Tenkar

Please consider donating an item to benefit the E Gary Gygax Memorial Scholarship Auction to be held at 2:00pm on Saturday, July 27th at American Legion Hall, during the first annual EGG Con in Lake Geneva. Items can be sent to EGG Con, C/O GAXLAND, Box 216, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 or dropped off at the GAXLAND/EGG Con Information booth by 11:00, Saturday, July 27th. If you have questions, contact heidiATgaxlandDOTcom.  

What is the E. Gary Gygax Memorial Scholarship, you ask? Erik and Heidi Gygax Garland recently set up this new annual scholarship award through the Badger High School Scholarship Committee, with the first scholarship to be awarded to a high school junior or senior in May 2025. To be eligible, the student must be in good standing and desire to pursue higher education leading to a career as an author and/or game designer. The applicants will submit a short story in the genre of fantasy or science fiction with the awardee being chosen by a committee of three (or more) published authors. 

All proceeds, less payment processing fees (usually about 3%-5%) realized from the auction will go to the scholarship fund. Erik Garland


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Tenkar's Tavern is supported by various affiliate programs, including Amazon, RPGNow,
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lights on and the taps flowing. Your Humble Bartender, Tenkar

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