Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Bundle of Holding - Ultraviolet Grasslands (OSR)

Although I have heard many good things about Ultraviolet Grasslands over the last few years, I've never snagged a copy. Well, this is my chance to rectify that. 18 bucks get you the Ultraviolet Grasslands full bundle collection. Pretty damn good!

Adventurer! This Ultraviolet Grasslands Bundle presents The Ultraviolet Grasslands, the psychedelic fantascience Rainbowlands caravan pointcrawl campaign setting for Old School tabletop roleplaying games by designer-illustrator Luka Rejec at WTF Studio. At the edge of the Rainbowlands stands the Violet City, the last bastion of civilization. Your player characters, seeking money or ancient secrets, lead epic caravan journeys across the Ultraviolet Grasslands – past the Way Stone Graveyard, the Behemoth Shell, Dead Bridge, the Near Moon, the Cauldron of Revitalized Divinity, and dozens more locations – to the fabled Black City on the shore of time and space. In both its 2020 First Edition (funded in a February 2019 Kickstarter campaign and its 2022 "director's cut" enhanced version, Ultraviolet Grasslands has earned praise for its fevered vision of a dying-earth world inspired by Moebius' Airtight Garage, Jodorowsky, Fury Road, and heavy metal. (And, uh, Heavy Metal.)

For just US$17.95 you get all seven titles in our UVG Collection (retail value $81) as DRM-free ebooks, including the complete 2022 Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City setting, along with the original 2020 UVG 1E (previously in our November 2021 Cornucopia 9); the Synthetic Dream Machine rules and the Magitecnica spellbook; the creature generator Zoa of the Vastlands; the Zardoz-inspired adventure Rrypo: Get a Head, and the horror one-shot Let Us In.

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