Sunday, July 28, 2024

Humble Bundle - Doctor Who Ultimate RPG Collection

My memories of Doctor Who go back to my pre-teen and teen summers spent in the Poconos. We had one channel on the TV, a PBS station, Channel 44, WVIA. Surprisingly, it was one of the better PBS stations I ever encountered, having not just Doctor Who and various British comedies, but later even Star Trek: The Next Generation

My fond memories of Doctor Who only cover the first few doctors and I never watched any later Doctor Who Doctors. That being said, I know the IP has a huge fandom, and I suspect the sourcebooks included in the Doctor Who Ultimate RPG Collection Bundle will be valuable even to those with little intention of playing the RPG.

This is one of those bundles that I believe really only come into value at its highest level, 44 books for 25 bucks (plus a 20% off coupon for Cubicle 7).

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1 comment:

  1. As long as you've seen Tom Baker, the 4th Doctor, that's all you need!


Tenkar's Tavern is supported by various affiliate programs, including Amazon, RPGNow,
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