Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Kickstarter - Creature Feature Quarterly Vol. 13 -for use with- OSE+LotFP

16 monsters for use with Old School Essentials. Lots of lore+Adventure seeds. Paper minis. VTT tokens. #LotFP #OSE #OSR #B/XDnD

I'm a fan of zines in general and have always enjoyed JH Illos various works and illustrations. At some point, I failed to realize that Creature Feature Quarterly had reached Volume 13.

You can grab the Creature Feature Quarterly Volume 13 Kickstarter in PDF for 5 bucks, which is likely a steal, especially if you play or GM via one of the various VTTs. 30 bucks gives you all 13 volumes in PDF. I'll need to see which ones I'm missing, and if its cheaper to grab all 13 or grab single issues on DTRPG.

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