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Friday, July 26, 2024

Kickstarter - D6 System: Second Edition

The classic West End Games ruleset returns in an updated and licensed new multi-genre rulebook!

Somewhere, packed away, is my WEG Star Wars rulebook. I don't think I ever ran it. Not because it was a bad system, but because my gaming group didn't have any major Star Wars fans, so the draw just wasn't there.

Fast forward a few decades and Open D6 hits the market (essentially the Star Wars RPG with the serial numbers scratched off and multi genre) , with the PDFs available for free and the print core books fairly inexpensive. I won them all, and have played a small amount of Open d6 at conventions, but I still haven't run the system.

The D6 System: Second Edition Kickstarter is 20 bucks in PDF and 50 bucks in Print plus PDF.

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