Monday, July 22, 2024

Kickstarter - Immortals White Box (OSR)

I'm a huge fan of OSR games as if you couldn't guess. Sure, the core mechanics are shared across the genre, but it is the implementation, presentation, and tweaks that make a ruleset stand out from the rest. I borrow and steal from various rulesets for my home games, but try to stick to a more or less by-the-book ruleset for convention gameplay.

The Immortals White Box Kickstarter looks to be a ruleset I could liberally lift from for my home game, and at 50 bucks for the boxed set (plus shipping) it certainly appears to offer bang for your buck (especially when you consider the boxed set consists of 3 digest-sized hardcover books).

The Immortals White Box contains 3 digest-sized hardcover books, 4 pre-generated character sheets, and a pad used for tracking initiative, combat rounds, and downtime.

Book 1 - This book contains general rules on how to play Immortals RPG, including: character creation, playable races, classes, paths, professions, weapons, armor, equipment, rules for combat, spell casting, and over 100 spells. In this tome you will find everything necessary to play Immortals RPG and bring characters to level to 10th level.

Book 2 - This book contains over 100 monsters to use with the Immortals RPG setting. This list will include classic monsters you know and love, along with new monsters and horrors to challenge players all the way to 10th level. The book also contains treasure tables, a guide for creating your own monsters, and immortal patrons.

Book 3 - This book contains an adventure taking characters from 1st to 2nd level. The adventure is designed to help people learn how to play Immortals RPG. It is also designed to be easily adapted to other game systems and to ensure that each play through is different and from the last. 


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