Thursday, July 25, 2024

Kickstarter - Perilous Pamphlet Pack, a Box for RPG Brochure Adventures (Phil Reed)

Keep your tri-fold 8.5" x 11" RPG brochure adventures safe in this custom storage box! Also includes two new brochure adventures.

I'm a huge fan of Phil Reed. Phil understands the OSR better than many in the OSR do.

The Perilous Pamphlet Pack, a Box for RPG Brochure Adventures Kickstarter has multiple backer levels, but I'm backing it for 25 bucks plus shipping. So, the actual box and some print material.

Tri-fold brochure adventures are popular with the indie and OSR game scenes, and our new box is designed to hold those pamphlets! Designed for 8.5" x 11" tri-fold brochures, this box holds 20+ adventures. (The exact count depends on the weight of paper used for each.) 

Roughly 20+ brochures (printed on cover stock) will fit neatly inside this custom storage box. It is designed specifically for tri-fold, 8.5" by 11" adventures. The exact count depends entirely on the paper weight of the brochures. (The exact count varies; you can pack more inside if they're printed on lighter papers than you can if they're printed on heavy cardstock.)

This is an easy way to organize your collection of brochure adventures. And it's rather fetching to look at (if we do say so ourselves).


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