Thursday, August 15, 2024

Bundle of Holding - The World's Largest Bundle!

While the bundle title might not be 100% accurate, it probably is close. 

The World's Largest Bundle, Starter Collection is on sale 12.95. The Bonus Collection is currently under 27 bucks.

Adventurer! This revived May 2019 bundle of tabletop d20 System fantasy roleplaying supplements and adventures includes The World's Largest Dungeon and World's Largest City, so once again we're calling it – that's right! fight us! – The World's Largest Bundle. A peerless 900-page megadungeon originally produced in 2006 by Alderac Entertainment and now published by World's Largest RPGs, The World's Largest Dungeon has 1,600 encounters – a dungeon crawl that can entertain you for years. The City, with its quarter-million humans, dwarves, elves, humanoids, and (ahem) others, fits smoothly in most fantasy campaign worlds. And this offer adds the stunning 400-page Ultimate Toolbox, plus comprehensive d20 sourcebooks like War, Empire, Gods, Relics, Dungeons, and Dragons – more than 4,000 pages of fantasy gaming goodness. The World's Largest Bundle! Yeah!

For just US$12.95 you get all nine titles in this revived offer's World's Largest Starter Collection (retail value $72) as DRM-free ebooks, including the complete Ultimate Toolbox, the d20 sourcebooks Empire, War, Mercenaries, Gods, Magic, and Relics, and the scenario collections Adventure I and Adventure II.

And if you pay more than the threshold price of $26.22, you'll level up and also get this revival's entire World's Largest Bonus Collection with four more titles worth an additional $75, including The World's Largest Dungeon, World's Largest City, and a catchy pairing of two more d20 sourcebooks: Dungeons, and Dragons.

Earlier this year Studio 2 Publishing acquired the entire Alderac d20 line. The new owner has big plans to Kickstart a new Redux Edition of World's Largest Dungeon: "Expanded with all new content by a host of master RPG designers, and an epic contest for YOU and other aspiring game designers to contribute to the project in print!" Get up to speed with this massive dungeon-crawl and the many other great books in this revived May 2019 World's Largest Bundle!


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