Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Free Beta - Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere® RPG

Currently on Kickstarter and setting funding records.

The Cosmere RPG is a tabletop roleplaying game (RPG) in which you and a group of friends collaboratively tell a story of heroes in a fantasy universe called the cosmere. The first campaign setting for this system is the world of Roshar, based on the acclaimed novels of Brandon Sanderson's The Stormlight Archive. In this game, you take on the roles of characters from around the world, working together to determine how their stories unfold as they face a cataclysmic era of global conflict.

The Cosmere RPG Beta Rules Preview

This guide is an early preview of the Cosmere RPG, designed to give you a clear understanding of this system and enough rules to run a playtest adventure, Bridge Nine.

As a Beta test, these rules have not undergone final editing, and elements of gameplay may change between now and the finished product. However, these rules have been shaped by hundreds of playtesters since our Alpha testing began in 2023, and should reflect an accurate preview of the final system. If you would like to provide input about your experience, you can find a feedback form linked in the PDF. As a rules preview, this is a condensed set of rules that reflects only a portion of the content we’ll include in our first three hardcover releases.

What's Inside

Part 1: Overview walks you through the basics of playing a tabletop RPG, introducing the Cosmere RPG’s dice and core mechanics.

Part 2: Your Character explains your character’s attributes, defenses, resources, skills, senses, and expertises. It also touches on backstory details like your purpose, obstacle, and goals.

Part 3: Items provides a list of basic gear for your character, including weapons, armor, and equipment.

Part 4: Adventuring describes the flow of play, and when to use different scene types. This chapter also presents rules for the conditions, damage, and injuries you’ll face while adventuring, plus rules for resting and recovery.

Part 5: Combat provides more detail on combat scenes, including the general actions every character can take and the rules for targeting abilities, making attacks, and moving through the battlefield.

Part 6: Gamemastering is an abridged guide on when to call for skill tests and use the plot die, tools for creating a comfortable space, and how to use adversary profiles.

Part 7: Adversaries shows how to read adversary profiles and includes a few sample adversaries.

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