Friday, August 2, 2024

Humble Bundle - StarFinder Second Edition Playtest Primer

I have no experience with StarFinder and have played little in the area of science fiction or science fantasy RPGs. That being said, I know many players enjoy such genres and I suspect the StarFinder Second Edition Playtest Primer Bundle will be of interest to said players.

Get on the ground floor of the next great science-fantasy TTRPG (and get a bunch of cool options for your Pathfinder campaign) with Paizo’s Starfinder Second Edition! This bundle includes the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Rulebook, a massive 264-pages compendium covering everything you need to be a part of the game in its current form and help shape its future. In addition, you’ll get a colossal first-edition Starfinder library, complete rulebooks, supplements, adventure paths, and much, much more. Plus, your purchase helps support Girls Who Code.


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