Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Kickstarter - Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere® RPG (Setting Funding Records)

Beginning with The Stormlight Archive and expanding to Mistborn, this original tabletop RPG will grow to support the entire Cosmere!

I have no dog in this race. I never heard of Brandon Sanderson as an author, nor am I familiar with his fiction. So, for Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere® RPG Kickstarter to pass the $7.3 Million mark with over two weeks left to fund is simply stunning. 25,000+ backers is amazing.

This is what WotC feared when they were playing with their new OGL. This is WotC's money, at least in their eyes, even if it doesn't use the 5e SRD. I am sure this is the water cooler talk in the halls in Renton.

In 2023, Dragonsteel Entertainment and Brotherwise Games announced the Stormlight™ tabletop roleplaying game, set in the acclaimed epic fantasy world of the Stormlight Archive. But there's always another secret, and Stormlight was just the beginning...

The Cosmere® Roleplaying Game is a new system that encompasses the entire universe of Brandon Sanderson's best-selling novels. This original RPG launches in 2025 with the Stormlight World Guide, Stormlight Handbook, and Stormlight Stonewalkers™ Adventure. It expands to include Mistborn® in 2026, with a steady rollout of new worlds and adventures for years to come!

This is a living RPG that will grow as Brandon Sanderson expands the universe of Cosmere novels, designed to tell standalone stories in each setting or sweeping Worldhopper™ campaigns that move between different planets.


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