Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Kickstarter - Far Away Land 2nd Edition

A 2nd edition of the Far Away Land Role-Playing Game to celebrate the 10th anniversary and expand the universe of Far Away Land.

I've been a huge fan of Far Away Land since its initial release in 2014. I even participated in a short-lived Far Away Land podcast with Dirk back in the day.

I'm excited to see the return of Far Away Land with a 2nd Edition, and we will have Dirk on the Talking Crit Livestream later this month to discuss the Kickstarter and answer any questions.

As an aside, I LOVE the Far Away Land art. Love it, love it, love it :)

While the FAL system isn't an OSR system, it feels and plays out in an old-school manner.

Core Rules (274 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches)

The Core Rules Second Edition contains all of the rules needed to play Far Away Land including: Basic Rules, Character Creation, Combat, Magic, Abilities, Gear and Crafting, Magic Items, Vehicles and Travel, Treasure, Mass Combat, Sea Battles, Generators, NPCs, Plants and Animals, a Level 0 Grinder, and a Level 1 Adventure.

Bestiary I (246 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches)

Bestiary I contains a catalog of 350 creatures, an extensive Creature Forge for making custom monsters, an Index of Encounters based on level and environment, and the Constructoniomicon for building constructs and golems.

Book of Lore (280 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches)

The Book of Lore contains Maps and Location Descriptions for the world of Far Away Land, Maps and Location Descriptions of the various spheres, Stories from the various spheres detailing those strange worlds, Stories and Histories from the universe and Far Away Land depicting various events and individuals (some on a grand scale and others more intimate), Epic Poems, Short Stories, Timelines, and Lineages. The descriptions and stories are written using nearly 100 in-world reference sources with a variety of styles and voices to further deepen the lore.


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