Monday, August 26, 2024

Kickstarter - Halfjinks Roleplaying Game


A Family-Friendly RPG of Innocent Mischief

Let me get this out of the way immediately. I've known James Spahn for well over a decade. I consider him a brother and was his sponsor for Confirmation in the Catholic Church. James is, for better or worse, my family. So take that for what it is worth ;)

Halfjinks is James' current Kickstarter. If ANYONE were a fan of halflings/hobbits, it would be James. Complete stop. It is literally his passion and his expertise. I'm sold ;)

Halfjinks, as the pranks pulled by adolescent halflings are known to flustered locals, is a roleplaying game for the whole family! 

Inspired by and building on the Mausritter rules and using its third party license, Halfjinks is a game where players take up the roll of halfling children eager to pull a few pranks in the local community. 

They'll venture from their home ("But not too far! We need to be back by dinner!") in an effort to cause a little trouble. Whether it's hiding a live chicken in the post office, nabbing a treat from the annual Pie Eating Contest, or exploring Old Man Whipplebottom's Farm where they say a dragonslayer's tomb is hidden, they're hoping to bring a touch of fun to the dulldrum days that fill the lives of their fellow villagers.

But such brave explorers will need proper provisions and without a sturdy walking stick and a ready snack, a halfling's Comfort might drop so low that they become Bored or Hungry and decide its best to go home!

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1 comment:

  1. Erik, not sure there was an actual link to the campaign above. Here it us to anyone looking for it. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/barrelridergames/halfjinks-roleplaying-game


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