Friday, August 9, 2024

Kickstarter - The Shucked Oyster: A Cursed Brothel for Shadowdark RPG

A third-party supplement for Shadowdark RPG to add untold chaos to your local town.

I find setting material to essentially be system neutral - as combat is stressed less.

The Shucked Oyster: A Cursed Brothel for Shadowdark RPG Kickstarter looks to be what I want in a setting supplement - plug and play ability filled with lots of story hooks.

At last, you've made it back to town from your latest delve. The coin purse at your hip bulges with your hard earned loot. Sure, you could spend this on upgrading your equipment, but you can't keep your eyes off the the women leaning off the porch of the wildest bawdy house in town. But before you can even loosen your purse strings, smoke begins to billow from the second floor window. Within seconds, jets of flame spew out to consume the whole building. A stream of men and women pour out of the exits, and the brothel burns to the ground.

Welcome to The Shucked Oyster, the best brothel in town!

Designed for use with the 4-time Ennie Award Winning Shadowdark RPG and other fantasy role playing games, this supplement provides an iconic drop-in location for any town or city in your campaign. The Oyster is a cursed brothel that is routinely destroyed and rebuilt after freak accidents set it ablaze! Included, you will find a slew of wild and crazy NPCs, new magic items, expanded social mechanics, unique dungeons, and enough adventure hooks for an entire campaign!

The Shucked Oyster is a wild place. It serves as a nexus connecting an enormous number of people to one another. Each of the 34 fully fleshed out NPCs has their own motivations, connections, and agendas in town. Helping or hindering any one of them will light a fuse that will add all manner of fun and unexpected excitement to your game!


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