Monday, August 5, 2024

State of The Tavern - August, 2024

It's been a good long while since I've done a "State of The Tavern" update, and not only is one overdue, but I have things to actually give updates on, such as Blades & Arcana, Rumble, X, and more.

I've had numerous questions and inquiries about Blades & Arcana (built off of Swords & Wizardry Continual Light chassis and known for a while as Blades & Sorcery). So, let me answer a few of the more common questions:

1 - Why did the name change from Swords & Wizardry Continual Light to Blades & Sorcery to Blades & Arcana?

    A1- The name was changed from Swords & Wizardry Continual Light because Frog God Games was no longer the publisher of Swords & Wizardry and I didn't want to cause confusion with the Swords & Wizardry Line under Mythmere Games.

    A2 - The name was changed from Bades & Sorcery to Blades & Arcana after editor Tim Kask pointed out that it abbreviated to "BS". When "The" Tim Kask suggests a name change, you go with the name change :)

2 - When does Blades & Arcana Light release?

    A - I should have my author's copy late this week, or early next week, and it should go on sale shortly thereafter at the Wizard Tower Games website.

3 - What is Blades & Arcana Core?

   A - B&A is built off of the SWCL chassis, without the limits that we went into SWCL with. We have plans to make it a multi-genre OSR ruleset, with support for fantasy, sci-fi, modern, and possibly other genres, either upon release or shortly thereafter.

We've begun to live-stream on Rumble and X, in addition to YouTube. Rumble is also getting the daily content that is already shared on YouTube.

You can follow Tenkar's Tavern on Rumble here: https://rumble.com/user/tenkar

You can follow @Tenkar on Twitter/X here: https://x.com/tenkar

You can subscribe to The Tavern's YT here: www.youtube.com/@TenkarsTavern

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lights on and the taps flowing. Your Humble Bartender, Tenkar

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