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Saturday, August 31, 2024

State of The Tavern Keeper - Summer 2024

As has now been stated recently by two of my doctors, my cardiologist (heart) and my nephrologist (kidneys) I need to lose weight. While I'd like to think I can do so by simply doing low-impact cardio, the truth is I need to change my eating habits. By intention, so does Rach, as I do all the cooking, and cooking for two is the same as cooking for one.

And we've been doing it, and doing well with it, for the last two weeks. Konjac noodles for Italian dishes, salads with grilled chicken, stir-fries with frozen veggies, low sodium soy sauce, and yet more grilled chicken. Sit down Chinese food with brown rice and light on the sauce. And yes, even some fast food - tonight was Checkers, but no fries (first fast food in 2 weeks) and only because this afternoon was all pear-shaped ;P

Increasing our walks with the dog - number and length, of course, is good for the three of us - Rach, our doggie, and of course, myself. 

So, if I get a bit extra cranky, here at The Tavern, in its various incarnations, or on social media in general, now you know why.

In any case, down about 4 pounds in just over a week and a half. I'll take it :)

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