Wednesday, September 11, 2024

BackerKit - Worldographer 2025 (World Mapping Software Plus)

I've been using versions of Hexographer / Worldographer for the better part of a decade, and I'm excited to see what the latest version of the Worldographer software offers.

You can back Worldographer 2025 for 60 bucks, and it should release before the end of 2024.

If you haven't heard of Worldographer and its predecessor Hexographer, Worldographer is a map-making program that lets you create and edit world and region maps; city and village maps; as well as dungeon, building interior, and other battlemats, plus cosmic sector maps.

What makes Worldographer different from other map-making software?
  • It installs to your computer: Unlike a web app, if the company goes out of business or if you're just on a bad connection, you can keep using it. Use it on Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, or anything that supports Java (it is written in Java, but has native installers for the most common platforms).
  • Worldographer has many built-in generators. Want to create a world? Just choose a few settings and it creates one in seconds! Or generate a region, city, village, tower, shop, dungeon, and more! The results are fully customizable.
  • Have a specific world or region in mind? Start a blank map, then rough in a fraction of the terrain. Next use our "Terrain Wizard" tool to fill in the rest of the map and edit the result.
  • It doesn't just help you create and edit the map.  It also creates data about the world or city. For a world, it will generate a few bullets for each of several cultures, nations, and religions as well as details of cities, villages, forts, and other points of interest.  For a city or village, it generates a list of residents or staff/patrons/prices for a tavern or store.  All the data is fully editable.
  • It can also generate locations of interest for a sandbox or hex crawl style campaign.

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