Thursday, September 5, 2024

Bundle of Holding - Liminal (Modiphius)

Modern fantasy? With a "police division investigating Fortean crimes"? I think I'm in love ;)

We've resurrected our November 2021 Liminal Bundle featuring Liminal, the tabletop roleplaying game about guardians on the boundary between the modern day United Kingdom and the Hidden World. Designed by Paul Mitchener (Age of Arthur, Hunters of Alexandria, Mythic Babylon) and distributed by Modiphius Entertainment, Liminal uncovers secret societies of magicians, a police division investigating Fortean crimes, fae courts, werewolf gangs, and haunted places where the walls between worlds grow thin.

For just US$9.95 you get all three titles in this revived offer's Liminal Collection (retail value $40) as DRM-free ebooks, including the complete Liminal core rulebook, plus its free Quickstart; the city sourcebook Pax Londinium, plus its free overflow supplement The South Side; and – newly added for this revival! – the Liminal Casebook, with 14 Case Notes (scenarios) that range across the UK.

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