Monday, September 2, 2024

Bundle of Holding - Skullkickers

I'm a massive fan of the comic book format, and it looks fantastic on my iPad. Yep, I refuse to buy physical comics these days, as it's simply a waste of money and space to store them. I've snagged many a great bundle on Humble Bundle and found Bundle of Holding a great place to catch Knights of the Dinner Table digitally at a very affordable price. 

Well, color me surprised to find Skullkickers as a current bundle at Bundle of Holding. I'd hear about Skullkickers here or there from other gaming community members as a "must-read," but I had never encountered it in an affordable digital format before. Bundle of Holding has 1100 pages of Skullkickers for less than 10 bucks.

Adventurer! This all-new Skullkickers Bundle presents the rowdy fantasy-comedy comic book series Skullkickers by Jim Zub, Edwin Huang, and Misty Coats. Skullkickers stars hard-headed mercenaries Rolf Copperhead and Rex Maraud, who kill monsters and cause havoc in their endless search for money, fame, and adventure. The twisted trail Rolf and Rex follow is littered with troubles aplenty: patchwork zombies, bloodthirsty faerie folk, pirate crews, giant rain weevils, a neat-freak Goo Elemental, cross-dimensional bar fights, and the Deep Thool, among many, many other perils. For lovers of fantasy, action comedy, ridiculous violence, and the kicking of many skulls – for every tabletop roleplayer who likes a good hack-and-slash adventure – Skullkickers is Dungeons & Dragons by way of Deadpool. And gamers will enjoy the prefaces to these collected volumes by Robin D. Laws, Steve Jackson, Tracy Hickman, and other RPG gaming luminaries.

This all-new offer gives you the entire 34-issue, 888-page run of Skullkickers published by Image Comics (2010-2015) in six full-color, DRM-free .PDF volumes – Skullkickers Volume 1: 1000 Opas and a Dead Body, V2: Five Funerals and a Bucket of Blood, V3: Six Shooter on the Seven Seas, V4: Eighty Eyes on an Evil Island, V5: A Dozen Cousins and a Crumpled Crown, and V6: Infinite Icons of the Endless Epic – plus the anniversary special Caster Bastards and the Great Grotesque – a US$58 retail value for just $9.95.


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