Friday, September 13, 2024

Deal of the Day - Monstrosities (OSR Creature Book)

My favorite book from the Swords & Wizardry Days at Frog God Games is Monstrosities. I have two copies of it in print. Excessive, I know, but it IS that good!

Today's Deal of the Day at DTRPG is Monstrosities. Usually $24.99 in PDF, it is on sale for $10 until tomorrow morning.

Monstrosities thundered onto the OSR landscape when it debuted in 2013. Ten years after its first appearance, Monstrosities is back and better than ever with over 500(!) monsters.

Are you tired of seeing the same old boring monsters in your campaigns? Fear not, for the ultimate monster compendium is here again! And it's a monster of a book, pun intended.

You can never have too many monsters! No matter what kind of campaign, there are foes galore to stock its wildernesses and dungeons, even the unknown depths of its mysterious oceans. This is a compendium that contains the monsters from the rulebook and many monsters from the First Edition of the original roleplaying game, but there are hundreds and hundreds of completely new beasts. This book has everything you could possibly need to spice up your game.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your hands on this book and start unleashing an army of monsters on your unsuspecting players. Who knows, they might just thank you for giving them a challenge they'll never forget. Or they might curse your name as they run for their lives. Either way, it's sure to be a wild ride.

Note: This is a 2023 revised printing of the original Swords & Wizardry monster book, updated with errata, hundreds of illustrations, and twenty more monsters for your OSR game.

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