Swords & Wizardry Light - Forum

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Humble Bundle - DeathWatch & Rogue Trader RPG Bundle

As mentioned earlier in the week, I'm a fan of Warhammer 40k fiction. Sometimes, you want to experience the universe of that fiction. You can do just that with the current DeathWatch & Rogue Trader RPG Bundle.

I suggest the $25 Bundle level, as you get everything, including the core books for both games.

From our friends at Cubicle 7, play your own role in the Warhammer 40,000 universe with two unique approaches to tabletop RPGs! In the Deathwatch line, you’ll be placed on the frontlines of the Imperium’s battle to spread humanity’s influence across the galaxy. In Rogue Trader, you’ll be thrust into the unknown regions of space searching for profit and plunder. Get core rulebooks for both experiences along with dozens of expansions, campaigns, and resource kits, and help support Children’s Health Ireland!


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