Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Kickstarter - Tome of Worldbuilding (Mythmere Games)

Matt Finch, the main man behind Mythmere Games, is best known for the Swords & Wizardry retro-clone, but Matt is virtually the Godfather of the OSR. What is often overlooked is he was one of the guiding hands behind OSRIC which helped kick off the old school renaissance as we know it.

Matt's current Kickstarter is the Tome of Worldbuilding, a system-neutral sourcebook to fuel your desire to create new worlds. As it's from Matt Finch, you know it going to be damn good.

30 bucks get you the Tome of Worldbuilding and the Nomicon (a book of names) in PDF. 55 bucks get you the Tome of Worldbuilding in Print plus PDF.

These sourcebooks for world creation are system-neutral, and can be used with any fantasy roleplaying game, of any edition.

The Tome of World Building is written by ENNIE-award winning author Matt Finch, author of the critically-acclaimed Tome of Adventure Design. Using the Tome of World Building, you can create fantasy worlds quickly and fill them out with a wealth of detail from the random-generation tables in this book.

This Kickstarter offers two high quality hardcover books to create a trilogy of creative power with the Tome of Adventure Design. The first is the Tome of World Building, allowing you to create maps, cultures, countries, wilderness regions, and all the history and backstabbing politics of a fantasy world. The second is the Nomicon, with tables to invent fantasy names for everything you'll generate using the Tome of World Building.

This book contains advice, real-world facts, systems, and LOTS of random generation tables to help you create a fantasy world for tabletop adventuring.

Want to know more? Join the live stream, Wednesday Night, September 25th, at 8PM ET 

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