Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Kickstarter - Warlock Knight (DFRPG)

Holy crap! I almost missed this! I always snag Gaming Ballistic releases on Kickstarter, as they are all fantastic regardless of system. 

Warlock Night is a "programmed adventure" (can be used as a solo). It's 20 in PDF, 30 in PDF plus Foundry files, 40 in print plus PDF, and 60 in print, PDF, card, and Foundry VTT files. Oh, and you can snag prior titles in the series, too. 

Warlock Knight is a programmed solitaire adventure for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG, Powered by GURPS. It is designed to serve as an introductory adventure, with characters starting at 150 points and growing through the adventure to approach the usual starting 250 points as presented in the Dungeon Fantasy RPG Box Set. Warlock Knight can be played with or without a GM, and is extendable into an ongoing campaign.

Warlock Knight is a conversion of David's excellent version for The Fantasy Trip to the Dungeon Fantasy RPG. It is designed to introduce the Isle of Sedra setting, in the same manner that Saethor's Bane serves to introduce the neighboring Isle of Elazar.

Designed to showcase and teach the capabilities and options of the Dungeon Fantasy RPG, three martial characters engage on a quest to regain their lost titles through adventuring.

The characters start at 150 points - substantially fewer than the 250-point characters that feature in the Dungeon Fantasy RPG. This capability level is fully supported by the Delvers to Grow modular character build system: These characters start roughly halfway between "Journeyman" at 125 points and "Master" at 187 points. By the time the adventure finishes, they should wind up right about at starting DFRPG levels.

The adventure is much longer than the prior solo release by Gaming Ballistic for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG: Saethor's Bane. Enough so that to keep it convenient so that the books lay flat on a table during play, the material is divided up into two volumes, broadly speaking "The Adventure" and "Supporting Cast." The digital file will consist of a single file, with the two volumes presented sequentially - that will keep hyperlinks straight!

There are no stretch goals, and all the art is already in hand. When the campaign ends, it should be ready for PDF distribution, with print, cards, and digital support material all ready with good speed.


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