Saturday, September 14, 2024

Support a Gaming Family Facing Eviction

The below GoFundMe was brought to my attention by James Spahn (White Star and far more). The subject of the GoFundMe, as James told me, is:

Chris Travis has run the RPG Gamers Secret Santa tirelessly and thanklessly for years. He's having a shitshow of a situation and could use a hand.

There comes a time when help is needed, not just for yourself but for your family. Chris is having that time.

Support a Family Facing Eviction

It is Saturday night, September 14th, at approximately 10 PM ET. 

The Tavern will match the first $250 raised by members of The Tavern's Community by Monday night, September 16th, at 10 PM ET. The window is short because Chris has a brief time window to correct his violations.

Comment below if you donate or, if you wish to remain anonymous, email me at tenkarsDOTtavern at that gmail thing with your donation amount. Please feel free to spread the word. 



Tenkar's Tavern is supported by various affiliate programs, including Amazon, RPGNow,
and Humble Bundle as well as Patreon. Your patronage is appreciated and helps keep the
lights on and the taps flowing. Your Humble Bartender, Tenkar

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