Thursday, October 24, 2024

Deal of the Day - Elfland: Beyond the Fields We Know - DCC RPG

While the DCC RPG and its various offspring games work best as convention games, many groups play DCC as a campaign game. For the latter, let us present Elfland: Beyond the Fields We Know for the DCC RPG

Normally 6.99, Elfland: Beyond the Fields We Know is on sale until tomorrow morning for 2.10

Elfland: Beyond the Fields We Know is a zine that provides everything that is needed to bring your game to Elfland! It has 6 adventure locales that can be used for one-shots, over a dozen fey traps, priceless relics, new monsters, and more! It's also written in a way where the reader can use it as a solo-journaling game. That way you can create a unique NPC for your campaign, or simply have some fun on your own!

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