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Sunday, October 13, 2024

Kickstarter - Bloody and Alone in Appalachia - Solo Rural Horror RPG

It IS October, after all ;)

The Bloody and Alone in Appalachia - Solo Rural Horror RPG Kickstarter is 19 bucks in PDF (and 39 for the HC Print plus PDF. ) 

Bloody and Alone in Appalachia is a solo tabletop RPG about rural horror, set in the Appalachian Hills of Eastern Kentucky.

In Bloody and Alone in Appalachia, you will play a lost city dweller who has foolishly ventured off the highway into a backwoods, small Appalachian town, holler, and county where nothing is as it seems. Like flies into the mouth of a Venus flytrap, this town and its inhabitants are ready to gobble you up.

This game is an adaptation of Bloody Appalachia, a multi-person horror game also available from Bloat Games. That game is excellent, but it suffers from one key problem: the players have each other to rely on.  Bloody Appalachia is available as an add-on with this campaign.

We all know the best moments in any horror movie: it's the moment where everyone else is gone. There's just one remaining hero, and they know their goose is hopelessly cooked. Your heart pounds as you watch them, flailing around desperately; you hold your breath as you wait for them to stumble, wide-eyed, towards their inexorable, horrific demise. Any. Second. Now...

In Bloody and Alone in Appalachia, that's the entire game. You are alone, help isn't coming, and death is waiting around the next corner. Listen... ! Is that a chainsaw, out there in the woods?

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