Tuesday, October 22, 2024

New Release - Greyhawk Campaign Guide (by Joesph Bloch)

As stated earlier, Greyhawk has opened up to third-party publishers via the DM's Guild, and one of the first releases is the Greyhawk Campaign Guide by the OSR's very own Joe Bloch.

The Greyhawk Campaign Guide hit "Copper" on DTRPG in six hours. When it hits Gold, it can be offered as a POD. The Greyhawk Campaign Guide is 14.95 in PDF.

Behold, Greyhawk!

A land of magic, mystery, and mayhem, where ancient dungeons contain vast treasures and infinite dangers, where great armies march across the land, and where bands of adventurers seek to maintain the balance, or help the innocent, but are never above making a quick profit.

This book gives the dungeon master a wealth of information to run a campaign in this venerable fantasy setting, with information on history, the calendar, weather, the inhabitants of the land, descriptions of the lands and wildernesses that make up the Flanaess, and more.

The accompanying Greyhawk Player's Guide will be published soon.


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