Tuesday, October 15, 2024

News - Greyhawk Now an Approved Official Setting at DMs Guild

As per the DM's Guild Content Guidelines, Greyhawk is now an Approved Official Setting:

Approved Official Settings for Dungeon Masters Guild Products

DMsGuild creators are allowed to use the following official Dungeons & Dragons settings:

  • Forgotten Realms
  • Ravenloft
  • Eberron
  • Spelljammer
  • Planescape
  • Dragonlance
  • Radiant Citadel
  • The Magic: The Gathering settings of:
    • Ravnica, Theros, Arcavios/Strixhaven

  • Greyhawk

Other official settings cannot be used in DMsGuild products at this time. This list includes but is not limited to Dark Sun, Mystara, etc.

If an NPC, location, monster, or item from an unapproved setting appears in an approved setting it may be used in your DMsGuild product as long as it is set in an approved setting.

Click here for the Greyhawk Section at the DM's Guild.

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