Friday, December 6, 2024

Bundle of Holding - Cornucopia 2024

Sometimes, you want a collection of RPGs that pushes you out of your comfort zone. The current Bundle of Holding - Cornucopia 2024 - fills that bill. I'm not very interested in the Bonus Collection (I'm not a fan of Powered by the Apocalypse).

Adventurer! In time for the American Thanksgiving holiday, we present this all-new Cornucopia 2024, our twelfth annual feast of top-quality tabletop roleplaying game ebooks. For just US$14.95 you get all four complete games in our Starter Collection (retail value $73) as DRM-free ebooks:

Swyvers (Melsonian Arts Council): Luke Gearing's grotty-heist urban fantasy about gangs in a sprawling city your playgroup generates on the fly.

Fight to Survive (Radio James Games): James Kerr's tribute to down-and-dirty 1980s martial arts movies where your friends and comforts are just as important as your moves.

Syma (Gallant Knight Games): Alan Bahr's Old School incense-and-iron FRPG set in a medieval world where the Church has just fallen and undead Templars roam the land.

Exile: Dark Fantasy Roleplaying (One of Wands): Ema Acosta's dark, driven fantasy RPG of disgraced misfits, sentenced to a quick end in The Below, who resolve to forge their own path back home.

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