Monday, December 2, 2024

Cyber Monday DoorBusters at DTRPG

It's that time of year when bargains and truly deep discounts can be found for RPG PDFs at DTRPG. Our last batch was on Black Friday. Our final batch is here for Cyber Monday—prices are good through tomorrow. Also, there is a Deal of the Day at the bottom of the post.

Tomorrow City - it has a cool cover; this is the first I've heard of it. It sounds like steampunk supers, which is my least enjoyed genres. The price is right at 4.90

Cities Without Number - by Kevin Crawford, the OSR machine. For 4.99, its a hell of a bargain for OSR style Cyberpunk

The Gamemaster's Book of Villains, Minions, and their Tactics - at 3.39, I'll gladly add this to my book of DM tricks.

When the Wolf Comes - Viking roleplaying always strikes my interest. At 3.99, it's a tempting buy.

Rokugan - this appears to be an art book for Legend of the Five Rings. 5.99

Tales of the Valiant Player's Guide - brought to you by the debacle known as OGL 2.0, Tales of the Valiant is Kobold Press' rejiggering of 5e. Personally, I preferred it under the working title Black Flag. 6.99

Deal of the Day - Castles & Crusades Players Handbook - The latest printing of Castles & Crusades. What more can I say? 15 bucks

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