Thursday, December 5, 2024

Kickstarter - DC Heroes Role-Playing Game 40th Anniversary

I was never a big supers gamer. That could be because my teenage friends collected Marvel Comics, and I was a big DC fan. Heck, even in college, DC Comics ruled for me. So, I never got into Marvel Super Heroes like others in my group did. I owned the Mayfair DC Comics rules but I never could get my group to play it.

Well, Cryptozoic is bringing the original DC Heroes game back, both in the first and second editions, in all its glory. I'm so tempted, but I'll never play it. Backer levels start at 60 bucks and increase from there.

Hero (Core Box)


A heroic beginning! Get into DC Heroes by choosing either the 1st Edition or 2nd Edition Core Box!

SHIPPING WEIGHT: Tier items weigh approx. 13 lb (freight weight).

NOTE: Shipping will be charged via the pledge manager after the campaign.

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