Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Kickstarter - Gary's Appendix: Issue 7

Truth in advertising. I've known Jeff Jones for several years, and he laid out the first two issues of Torchlight as well as the never-released Swords & Wizardry Continual Light Digest Edition. (Thank you, WotC, and your damn OGL drama!)

I've been enjoying Gary's Appendix series thus far, and Issue 7 looks to be another keeper. I love the cover artwork on the current issue, and Ropers have always been a weakness of mine ;)

Gary's Appendix: Issue 7 is available in PDF for 5 bucks or Print plus PDF for 19 bucks.

Gary's Appendix: A periodical zine filled with articles and an expanded bestiary for the OSR, using Old School Essentials mechanics where necessary. 

Gary's Appendix wraps up 2024 by following up our Dragons issue with the other half of the equation: Dungeons...or at least underground exploration. Issue #7 comes packed with eight articles on caves, mining, gemstones, fungus, and a whole lot more. So grab your torches and a gullible friend or two – it's time to go spelunking!


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