Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Updated With More Gifts! OSR Christmas 2024!

- We have two more publishers in the mix - North Wind Adventures & BRW!

I'm still gathering some info from some last-minute gifters. OSR Christmas will run from December 14th, 2024, through January 6th, 2025, give or take. Restream has yet to have a giveaway tool like Streamyard, so the giveaways will be here on the blog side, AS WELL AS The Tavern's Substack.

So far, the gifters include:

North Wind Adventures / Hyperborea

$125 worth of Hyperborea PDFs via DTRPG - You Pick!

BRW Games

The New Adventures Dark and Deep Core Rulebook and Core Bestiary in pdf. 

(Not even been released to the public yet)

Fat Dragon Games (3 sets of each = 12 Days)

Dragonlock Lost Caverns: Master Set FDG0410 ($50.00) 

Dragonlock Lost City of the Dwarves: Master Set FDG0411 ($25.00)

FDG0349 DRAGON TILES: Dungeon Core Set ($25.00)

FDG0351 DRAGON TILES: Caverns Core Set ($25.00)

Frog God Games

Frog God Games 50% off Coupon (one for each day - 12 Days)

$200 Frog God Games Store Credit (x1)

OSR Holiday Bundle in PDF includes: (x2)

  • How Orcus Stole Christmas
  • Orcus on 34th Level
  • Orcus in a Winter Wonderland
  • Beware of the Yule Cat
  • The 12 Days of Orcus

Tenkar's Tavern

1 x $50 DTRPG Gift Certificate
12x$10 DTRPG Gift Certificates

If you wish to join in on the gifting fun, email me at tenkarsDOTtavern at that Gmail thing with "OSR Christmas Gift Giving" in the subject ;)


Tenkar's Tavern is supported by various affiliate programs, including Amazon, RPGNow,
and Humble Bundle as well as Patreon. Your patronage is appreciated and helps keep the
lights on and the taps flowing. Your Humble Bartender, Tenkar

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