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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Someone Donated a Very Special Item for the Saturday Night Midnight Auction @ NTRPG Con

Better start saving those nickles, boys and girls! This opportunity might not come again ;)

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Heading to NTRPG Con in the AM

Over the next few days, posts may become spotty as I enjoy everything that NTRPG Con has to offer.

I'll try and regal you with con photos and more :)

Monday, June 3, 2024

Humble Bundle - Delta Green RPG Collection

I remember Delta Green when it was a supplement for Call of Cthulhu. My, how times have changed. Now it's a full-blown RPG in its own right. The Delta Green Humble Bundle is 18 bucks for 20 PDFs

This is like nothing anyone has ever understood. This is the apocalypse.

Fan of H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos? Delta Green is the premier modern day setting for cosmic horror roleplaying, casting players as operatives for a top secret government organization tasked with keeping the eldritch at bay. This bundle includes everything you need for endless adventure in this thrilling world! You’ll get the Agent’s Handbook and Handler’s Guide core rulebooks plus an entire library of sourcebooks, adventures, and game aids to keep your gaming group busy for as long as your sanity can handle!

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DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Final Sunday Before NTRPG

Final Sunday Before NTRPG
We're less than a week away from NTRPG, which means I'm "busier than a one-legged Indian in an ass-kicking race", as my grandpa used to say. There's always a few RPG projects that I'm trying to finish up and this year is no exception. I am though, throwing in the towel on probably half of my "things" because I just don't want the stress. Most of these things are for me and nobody will be the wiser on what doesn't see the light of day this particular convention.

No...this year will be much more laid-back than my norm. Between a work trip kicking my ass (I brought home a summer cold that I'm just recovering from) and some unexpected home repairs having to take up my most valuable of resources....oh, and my workplace kind of sort of tried to tell me I couldn't go to the con this year. Yeah, that wasn't going to fly. I take one scheduled vacation a year (NTPRG) and they can have me do whatever for the other 360 days of the year. They've had this on the books for a year and if management cannot get the manpower figured out, that's not my burden to bear.

So yeah...I'm not going to take on undue stress so I can enjoy myself.

NTRPG is basically the beginning of the summer convention season, so if you have things you need to do before Origins, or maybe GenCon.....here's your sign to check in on your state of affairs now.

I'm happy with the games I've gotten into to play, but I don't have and guests coming in this year like I've had in the past. Just gaming...some drinking, and giving Bad Mike too much money.....

Hopefully I'll have a good end-of-con report.