Saturday, September 7, 2024

Deal of the Day - Troika! The Science Fantasy RPG

Today's Deal of the Day at DTRPG is Troika! The Science Fantasy RPG. This sweet little game plays well and fast and would likely make for a fun convention game - now that's an idea!

Until tomorrow morning, Troika is on sale for 2 bucks (marked down from its usual 5 bucks in PDF). 2 Bucks! That's an impulse buy! ;P

Troika! is a complete yet wildly open role-playing game. Players can expect to fly through mystic space, get lost in infinite cities of the gods, and meet strange & wonderful people all the while using a robust and familiar game system. 

With just one book and a couple of six-sided dice you'll be able to provide years of adventure for you and your friends. Once you're ready for more there is an abundance of material printed by the Melsonian Arts Council and Troika!s huge number of third party publishers and fans.

Inside the book you will find:

  • A fully automated character creation system that generates exciting starting points for players to build upon
  • Weighty lists of spells and enemies to encounter
  • A baked-in plane-hopping setting which draws you into the world and allows you space to build upon its sturdy foundations
  • Lavishly illustrated by Jeremy Duncan, Dirk Detweiler Leicthy, Sam Mameli, and ENnie award winning Andrew Walter

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DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumble or YouTube - Tenkar  

Friday, September 6, 2024

Backerkit - Netcrawl (Cyberpunk RPG)

I remember my first experience with the cyberpunk genre, reading Gibson's Neuromancer. It wasn't what I expected—actually, I'm not sure what I expected—but I was excited. Then I saw that GURPS had a Cyberpunk sourcebook and an RPG titled Cyberpunk 2020, and I had to grab both. I never ran them, but I must have read that sourcebook a dozen times and the RPG at least that many times.

Seeing that Netcrawl was funding on Backerkit brought back memories of my initial exposure to Cyberpunk. It looks like it is time for Cyberpunk again inn the Tenkar household ;)

Did I mention that Netcrawl is compatible with the DCC and MCC RPGs? Wait that means it's also compatible with Weird Frontiers. The mashups are endless and come to mind...

Netcrawl RPG is a TTRPG about adventuring inside a computer system. Everyone goes in, seconds pass in the meatspace as players spend hours conquering a cyber-dungeon - together. 

Netcrawl RPG uses the d20 System and Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG rulebook that can run as a cyber sidecar to your current game or as a stand alone game with little or no notion of an outside meatspace world. 

Inspiration for Netcrawl RPG is drawn from William Gibson's seminal cyberpunk novel, Neuromancer, among many other works of science fiction and cyberpunk.


The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumble or YouTube - Tenkar  

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Bundle of Holding - Liminal (Modiphius)

Modern fantasy? With a "police division investigating Fortean crimes"? I think I'm in love ;)

We've resurrected our November 2021 Liminal Bundle featuring Liminal, the tabletop roleplaying game about guardians on the boundary between the modern day United Kingdom and the Hidden World. Designed by Paul Mitchener (Age of Arthur, Hunters of Alexandria, Mythic Babylon) and distributed by Modiphius Entertainment, Liminal uncovers secret societies of magicians, a police division investigating Fortean crimes, fae courts, werewolf gangs, and haunted places where the walls between worlds grow thin.

For just US$9.95 you get all three titles in this revived offer's Liminal Collection (retail value $40) as DRM-free ebooks, including the complete Liminal core rulebook, plus its free Quickstart; the city sourcebook Pax Londinium, plus its free overflow supplement The South Side; and – newly added for this revival! – the Liminal Casebook, with 14 Case Notes (scenarios) that range across the UK.

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumble or YouTube - Tenkar  

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Deal of the Day - Weird Stone & Sorcery Adventures for Old-School Essentials (OSR)

Today's Deal of the Day is Weird Stone & Sorcery Adventures for Old-School Essentials. Want to play primitive man? Here's your opportunity. Usually 12.99 in PDF, Weird Stone & Sorcery Adventures is on sale until tomorrow morning for 5.20 - 60% off!

The elders have spoken… The world is changing. Are you ready?

Fire & Fangs is a supplement for Old-School Essentials that introduces new rules, character options, setting information, and an introductory adventure taking you and your friends on epic adventures in a mythical stone age that never was.

With Fire & Fangs, you will be able to create adventurers of an ancient primordial world. Your characters will face ravenous dinosaurs, enigmatic alien beings, incrustable elder beings, and diverse cultures and peoples in a fantastic prehistoric world inspired by pulp literature, pop media, and more!

Referees will find information about the game world, random tables to spark their imaginations, and a full introductory adventure to start gaming right away!

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumble or YouTube - Tenkar  

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Kickstarter - Warlock Knight (DFRPG)

Holy crap! I almost missed this! I always snag Gaming Ballistic releases on Kickstarter, as they are all fantastic regardless of system. 

Warlock Night is a "programmed adventure" (can be used as a solo). It's 20 in PDF, 30 in PDF plus Foundry files, 40 in print plus PDF, and 60 in print, PDF, card, and Foundry VTT files. Oh, and you can snag prior titles in the series, too. 

Warlock Knight is a programmed solitaire adventure for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG, Powered by GURPS. It is designed to serve as an introductory adventure, with characters starting at 150 points and growing through the adventure to approach the usual starting 250 points as presented in the Dungeon Fantasy RPG Box Set. Warlock Knight can be played with or without a GM, and is extendable into an ongoing campaign.

Warlock Knight is a conversion of David's excellent version for The Fantasy Trip to the Dungeon Fantasy RPG. It is designed to introduce the Isle of Sedra setting, in the same manner that Saethor's Bane serves to introduce the neighboring Isle of Elazar.

Designed to showcase and teach the capabilities and options of the Dungeon Fantasy RPG, three martial characters engage on a quest to regain their lost titles through adventuring.

The characters start at 150 points - substantially fewer than the 250-point characters that feature in the Dungeon Fantasy RPG. This capability level is fully supported by the Delvers to Grow modular character build system: These characters start roughly halfway between "Journeyman" at 125 points and "Master" at 187 points. By the time the adventure finishes, they should wind up right about at starting DFRPG levels.

The adventure is much longer than the prior solo release by Gaming Ballistic for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG: Saethor's Bane. Enough so that to keep it convenient so that the books lay flat on a table during play, the material is divided up into two volumes, broadly speaking "The Adventure" and "Supporting Cast." The digital file will consist of a single file, with the two volumes presented sequentially - that will keep hyperlinks straight!

There are no stretch goals, and all the art is already in hand. When the campaign ends, it should be ready for PDF distribution, with print, cards, and digital support material all ready with good speed.


The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumble or YouTube - Tenkar  

Monday, September 2, 2024

Bundle of Holding - Skullkickers

I'm a massive fan of the comic book format, and it looks fantastic on my iPad. Yep, I refuse to buy physical comics these days, as it's simply a waste of money and space to store them. I've snagged many a great bundle on Humble Bundle and found Bundle of Holding a great place to catch Knights of the Dinner Table digitally at a very affordable price. 

Well, color me surprised to find Skullkickers as a current bundle at Bundle of Holding. I'd hear about Skullkickers here or there from other gaming community members as a "must-read," but I had never encountered it in an affordable digital format before. Bundle of Holding has 1100 pages of Skullkickers for less than 10 bucks.

Adventurer! This all-new Skullkickers Bundle presents the rowdy fantasy-comedy comic book series Skullkickers by Jim Zub, Edwin Huang, and Misty Coats. Skullkickers stars hard-headed mercenaries Rolf Copperhead and Rex Maraud, who kill monsters and cause havoc in their endless search for money, fame, and adventure. The twisted trail Rolf and Rex follow is littered with troubles aplenty: patchwork zombies, bloodthirsty faerie folk, pirate crews, giant rain weevils, a neat-freak Goo Elemental, cross-dimensional bar fights, and the Deep Thool, among many, many other perils. For lovers of fantasy, action comedy, ridiculous violence, and the kicking of many skulls – for every tabletop roleplayer who likes a good hack-and-slash adventure – Skullkickers is Dungeons & Dragons by way of Deadpool. And gamers will enjoy the prefaces to these collected volumes by Robin D. Laws, Steve Jackson, Tracy Hickman, and other RPG gaming luminaries.

This all-new offer gives you the entire 34-issue, 888-page run of Skullkickers published by Image Comics (2010-2015) in six full-color, DRM-free .PDF volumes – Skullkickers Volume 1: 1000 Opas and a Dead Body, V2: Five Funerals and a Bucket of Blood, V3: Six Shooter on the Seven Seas, V4: Eighty Eyes on an Evil Island, V5: A Dozen Cousins and a Crumpled Crown, and V6: Infinite Icons of the Endless Epic – plus the anniversary special Caster Bastards and the Great Grotesque – a US$58 retail value for just $9.95.


The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumble or YouTube - Tenkar  

Sunday, September 1, 2024

New Release - Humans! Humans! 1st Edition (For Monsters! Monsters!)

When word came down that Tunnels & Trolls was in the hands of Rebellion, I was hopeful that T&T would be back in print, fairly quickly. Alas, that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon.

I was happy and excited to see that Ken St. Andre retained the rights to Monsters! Monsters! I was glad to see it updated and reissued. Sadly, it didn't cover humans and other traditional demi-humans.

Well, Humans! Humans! takes care of that for you. Humans, elves, dwarves, and demon dwarves are on the menu :) Humans! Humans! is currently on sale for 4.99 in PDF.

This supplement to the Monsters! Monsters! rules written by Ken St. Andre, gives details on how to create, train and equip human characters in the Monsters! Monsters! RPG and also includes how to add special abilities to human characters like vampires, avatars, and other enhanced humans. This book introduces new enhancements for humanoid characters like Professions (similar to Classes), Skills and Special Abilities. Explains training, and gives advice of running Avatar humans Like Vampires, fallen Angels, and other beings hiding or trapped in human form.  

Also covers Elves, Dwarves and Dwon, along with guidance for other human-like characters. Includes a list human supplies, armor and weapons (including guns.) Plus a new map reveals where the various humanoid groups live on Zimrala.

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumble or YouTube - Tenkar  

Tenkar's Tavern is supported by various affiliate programs, including Amazon, RPGNow,
and Humble Bundle as well as Patreon. Your patronage is appreciated and helps keep the
lights on and the taps flowing. Your Humble Bartender, Tenkar

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