I suggest the $25 Bundle level, as you get everything, including the core books for both games.
From our friends at Cubicle 7, play your own role in the Warhammer 40,000 universe with two unique approaches to tabletop RPGs! In the Deathwatch line, you’ll be placed on the frontlines of the Imperium’s battle to spread humanity’s influence across the galaxy. In Rogue Trader, you’ll be thrust into the unknown regions of space searching for profit and plunder. Get core rulebooks for both experiences along with dozens of expansions, campaigns, and resource kits, and help support Children’s Health Ireland!
The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.
DTRPG, Amazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumbleor YouTube - Tenkar
An evolution of dice and coins that offers a more immersive gaming experience! Original Dice Coins reborn with a base unit & new size.
I like coins, especially fantasy coins, and like most gamers, I love dice. It's in my blood.
These Dice Coins are literally the dangerous combination of two of my loves.
You can snag one Dice Coin and a base from the Kickstarter for 24 bucks plus shipping, but if you are like me, you probably want the full set (with a base) for 99 bucks plus shipping.
The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.
DTRPG, Amazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumbleor YouTube - Tenkar
Heckin’ Good Doggos is a family friendly, all ages role-playing game where the players take on the roles of humankind’s best friends: The dog! It is a game of "Dogs doin' Dog Stuff" that focuses on the kinds of stories and adventures dogs can get into such as:
Finding their favorite treats.
Barking at that squirrel up in the tree.
Finding their human Best Friend who has gone missing.
Banishing an ancient spirit that threatens the neighborhood.
Scavenging for supplies in a futuristic wasteland.
And so much more!
Heckin’ Good Doggos is a game of make believe where players can experience the world from an animal’s point of view. Some things will seem familiar, like protecting their backyard from potential threats and protecting their owners, while others are purely fantastic and whimsical situations they find themselves in like helping a ghost resolve its business so it can leave this world. It is simultaneously serious and silly, with an emphasis on crafting scenarios that make players have a blast while also having to solve the many challenges they will experience in ways that only doggos can.
The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.
DTRPG, Amazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumbleor YouTube - Tenkar
I've been a Black Library Warhammer fiction fan for years, but I prefer audiobooks over electronic copies. Humble Bundle bundles are a fantastic way to catch up for those who prefer digital copies.
Discover the fearless exploits of the Adeptus Astartes—the elite Space Marines of the Warhammer 40,000 universe—in this collection of novels & fiction from Black Library! This galaxy-spanning bundle gathers war stories of Chapters and squads from across the Imperium, charged with defending humanity against the relentless forces of Chaos. Explore the grim darkness of the Warhammer 40,000 universe, and support EveryLibrary with your purchase!
The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.
DTRPG, Amazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumbleor YouTube - Tenkar
You can still give; I am sure any additional help will be appreciated.
Reminder: When you support The Tavern by using our affiliate links, you enable us to offer funding matches like we did with Christopher. Your money at work :)
The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.
DTRPG, Amazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumbleor YouTube - Tenkar
Imagine a Victorian world, but not as history tells us it was, but as the literature implies that it was. Believe that the literature from the period was more than just stories; instead, it was first-hand accounts of the events that happened in the world.
At NTRPG Con this past June, I talked about the forthcoming Gaslight Victorian FantasyBackerkit with Jonathan Thompson. I told Jonathan I was very much NOT a 5e player, but the more he pitched the setting, the more I was tempted. I am still very much NOT a fan of 5e D&D, but I do expect I'll be adding Gaslight Victorian Fantasy to my gaming shelves, digital and/or physical (but damn, I'm running low on space for new physical purchases)
Sixteen years ago, Jonathan M. Thompson and Stephen Miller introduced the world to Gaslight Victorian Fantasy. Battlefield Press is proud to bring you the revision that Jonathan was working on when we lost him. A fully updated and revised version for 5E Fantasy. This edition features an all-new cover brought to us by William W. Connors!
Imagine a Victorian world, not as history tells us it was, but as the literature implies that it was. Believe that the literature from the period was more than just stories, but instead first-hand accounts of the events that happened in the world. Imagine a world populated by the lost boys of J.M. Barrie, the Beast Men of Dr. Moreau, and even tales of an immortal vampire named Dracula. Included in these are organizations bent on determining what is best for humanity, and they have launched a secret war against others so that only one will prevail.
In Gaslight, you will find:
A History of Gaslight Earth
Races detailed for Gaslight Earth
New interpretations of Victorian Economics, including both a cash and target-based wealth system
Rules for Social Standing
Weapons and equipment from the Victorian era
A Reliquary containing a few artifacts from the history of the Earth of Gaslight.
A detailed Gazetteer and Timeline, including *NEW* information on other parts of the world, both the British Empire and its adversaries.
*NEW* Secret Organizations
The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.
DTRPG, Amazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumbleor YouTube - Tenkar
Prohibition & Powers
The set-up for *Capers: A Super-Powered Game of Gangsters in the Roaring
Twenties* is really simple. It is the 1920s. It is the USA. Prohibition is
in ful...
Volo's Guide to the Dalelands (1996)
From the back of the book:
Behold the newest, brightest, and perhaps best travel guide by the
world-walking, all-seeing Volo! Fresh from recounting the s...
Geeky SKAturday: Bad Leavers' "Another Time"
A pleasant Geeky SKAturday to everyone! (Well...it's barely Sunday
here...but pleasantness to all nonetheless!) Just a quick one today (if
I'm actually c...
[BLOG] News on the March! Episode VI.
This post continues the series of brief play reports I have been posting on
Discord. This does not cover every single session (sometimes, recon and
The Borderlands (solo), part 2
Session two begins! Now that the band is formed, we head out into the wilds
to find fame, fortune, or maybe death. Let’s find out!Previous
sessions: Zero, ...
Dungeon of the Two Kings
By R. Nelson BaileyDungeoneers Guild Games1eLevels 3-6 The dungeons of
Mal-Thenga lie below the ruins of a once-great city, its name now lost in
the dust o...
Brief mass combat idea
Here is a brief mass combat idea meant for old school D&D or OSR games. I'm
using ascending AC in my examples because that's what I use in my games.
Here i...
On the Success of the VOTE
You voted for it, and it's here!
All the prices on the books I sell on DTRPG will be rising in price, 40-50%
so I can maintain the same margin as now!
Purple People Eater
One of the Reaper Challenge League challenges for this month was "one eyed
one horned flying purple people eater" with the caveat that to meet the
Lessons Learned from Paranoia
I recently ran Paranoia, my third time through a very loose scenario that
I’d prepared, using my hacked version of the current edition.
All three sessio...
Kraven the Hunter (2024)
Synopsis Sergei Kravinov is the son of a ruthless crime boss. After nearly
dying on a hunt and given a magic elixir, he gains superpowers that give
him the...
Indexing Adventures
June 11th, 2014 I started my Patreon. 1While I haven't been active during
the past half year or so I've accumulated 110 micro-adventures, 37
M22 Locust
The M22 Locust was a tiny tank designed and manufactured to a British
specification by Marmon-Herrington for a light air-landable tank to support
Friday Night Roundup 3/14/2025
Stuff for the week.
- Things I Want to Do Differently This Time over at DF Whiterock is well
worth the read. I do this kind of thing myself, but only an ex...
Nine Questions: A Retrospective...
So there's not much to offer this month. Real life is intruding, as it
often does, and we haven't found the time to do much of anything worth
reading. An...
Fight On! number 16 is out.
The new issue of *Fight On!* has been out for a bit. You can get copies via
drivethru or lulu.
I haven't finished reading my copy, but I'd like to reco...
Wandering through the Majestic Fantasy Realms
It's time for another Bat in the Attic update!
I am halfway through the first draft of my upcoming project, Into the
Majestic Fantasy Realms, the Northe...
The Hungering Dark
Go into the earth, and reality will walk alongside you.
Walk further, and you will eventually be walking alone.
The world is plastic down there. Tar Lat...
Hobby Bingo 2025: January Progress
Welcome back to the Vault! I've painted a few bits and pieces in January
and made a dent into my Hobby Bingo card! First up is a Chaplain in
Terminator ...
NTRPG Gaming Weekend
[image: NTRPG Gaming Weekend]
This weekend was a "game day" for North Texas RPG Con, held at the same
hotel the con is held at. I haven't slung dice since...
The Stats of a Dave Arneson Player Character.
If you want to find the details for one of the characters that Gary Gygax
made and played as a PC, perhaps to use as an NPC in your own game, it
isn't t...
Brink of Calamity proofs ordered
Hello, blog family. It’s been a minute. I’m happy to inform you all that
I’ve just ordered a proof copy of *Brink of Calamity* from DriveThruRPG.
When I ...
Creating house rules, custom rules specific to a local group or campaign,
has been common throughout the history of D&D. What makes an effective
house rule...
A Fiftieth Anniversary Year
The 50th anniversary year of *Dungeons & Dragons *is drawing to a close. A
number of projects I'd been planning for this year finally came out, and I
A Quick Look at The Wizard’s Scroll II
October of this year saw the release of The Wizard’s Scroll II, the second
issue of a White Box Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game (FMAG) zine whose first ...
Writing playlists for all occasions
Hello again! Going off the idea of inspiration elaborated on by the prior
post, I also have music playing while I write my various games and fiction
The Tarot of Pips
Somewhere in your dice collection is a die like this one, the humblest of
dice. Although you don't know it, this small white die carries with it a
Pirates and Necromancers, a Play Report
Over the Thanksgiving weekend we did a lot of gaming ranging from
“off-table” domain level stuff to some solo adventures to spell and magic
item rese...
OSR: Magical Industrial Gunboats
Here's some useful information for river-based adventures using *Magical
Industrial Revolution*. Skip to Part 3 or click this PDF link if you just
want t...
Welcome new Greyhawk Fans!
With the publication of the new Dungeon Master’s Guide, there are doubtless
going to be a lot of new D&D players interested in my favorite setting, the
It's been a bit
Hey everyone, I hope you are doing well! I've had a lot going on and
haven't had much time to blog lately. Heres a recap of gaming events and
other st...
The Economy Engine, v0.2
I made a thing. For D&D 3rd edition, so it might not be that interesting to
a lot of people. But I made it and I think it’s cool. The 3rd edition
Dungeon M...
*'s in SpaaaaaAaaaace
A lot of SF (including a certain 2D6 RPG grandaddy) deal with ancient
aliens taking humans from Earth and dropping them, fleas and all, on one or
more w...
Last move - to self-hosting!
As my vote regarding Substack in the “marketplace of ideas”, I’m moving to
I’m now at (and hopefully staying for a long time at)
Blog: ht...
Time Rolls On
Today is December 31, 2023, in the mid-afternoon. In less than ten hours it
will be 2024. 2023 2023 was a good year. But all years are good years. Both
This is an Important Game Mechanic
*"That's the GM's Regional Map from my AOWG. And it's a damned good
regional map. It's not a good map for a Simple Homebrew Campaign. It does
some s$&...
Clean Your Room
Looking back at my little blog here. That last post… wow, I was having fun
playing WOW Classic! That was August of 1999 and I was having a blast… it
was ...
Steve Jackson Interview
James Maliszewski recently did an interview with Steve Jackson over on his
Grognardia blog. Steve chats about the beginnings of The Fantasy Trip and
ToAD Monster of the Week: Crocoman
Now that I'm back doing the blog thing I thought I would use Tome of
Adventure Design to create monsters for The Black Hack.
Using the monster tables in th...
Strange, Dangerous, and Inhuman: The Fey and Fairie
When I was a boy I loved fairy tales. Jack and the Beanstalk, Puss in
Boots, Rumpelstiltskin - I devoured all of it. My fascination that there
was a strang...
New Map of the Elf Empire and Southern Isles
I’ve been having fun developing a new map-drawing style that I think is
finally reaching a certain level of maturity. And yeah, it owes a lot to Matthew
Dungeons & Dragonmead Fall Schedule
*As you know, I run public classic Dungeons & Dragons games at **The Loaded
Die**/Metro Detroit Game Night's Board Game Nigh at **Dragonmead**, in
Fiction in Airhde
On a whim this weekend, I picked up some fiction off the TLG store. *A
Houseless God & Other Tales* and *The Mirrored Soul & Other Tales*, both by
the T...
Ravensburg Reboot: Streamlined City Map
I mentioned in my last post how I was tweaking and reworking parts of my
Ravensburg setting. Today I streamlined the city map. The old map had lots
of redu...
And Now the News Draft Download on Patreon
It's self-styled Throwback Thursday and *having just released the 34-page
draft booklet of Hill Cantons news to my Patreon backers* I am going to
indulge m...
The Withered Crag available now
I just enabled the sale of the PDF version of The Withered Crag at
DriveThruRPG a few minutes ago, and the custom print version will be
available startin...
Annihilation Rising Goes live
The latest in Fail Squad Games’ Quick Kick projects has gone live and needs
your support!! This project is only running 11 days and ends on 5/28/2019!
James's Celebration of Life
We could not have asked for a prettier day for James's service. It was a
bit chilly and windy but gorgeous. A heartfelt thank you to all that joined
us tod...
Trap Tuesday: A step back
I will get back to Tomb of Horrors soon. I found a topic that was
interesting enough to take a break. While interacting in a 5E group on
Facebook I talked ...
Let's Talk About Pacing!
The idea, I think, is that the RPG is ultimately about the long game. Even
rolling back to the early days of Basic & Expert, the goal of the player
Profane and Profound Prep Part 2
This is part 2 of my work to edit my magic items for a DMsGuild release,
along with adding cursed items along the way. Here is part 1. Bone of a
Saint 8000...
Please, I don't do paid advertisements - don't ask.
A little note since people have asked me about this. My video channel's
*not* an advertising platform, so I'm not available for hire if you want to
New website!
Slowly but surely, all the content here will make its way — in updated
form! — to my new website: timbannock.com. For fairly obvious reasons, that
site wil...
Please Update Your Link!
If you're seeing this, it means your link to the Greyhawk Grognard blog is
out of date.
Please update your link to www.greyhawkgrognard.com (RSS feed is
Total Sales for WB:FMAG
Hi Folks,
It's been a long time since I provided an update for the sales of White
Box: Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game.
Print: 396
PDF: 433
How can We Destroy this Campaign World?
1. You must trick a bard into strumming the *Chords of Fate* on the *Lute
of Annihilation*
2. Legends tell of thermonuclear weapons beneath megadunge...
Mord Mar - Session 5
We had another successful delve into the dungeon yesterday. The delvers:
Moira, the Magic-User
Radovan - Human Cleric (of Odin?)
Khazgar Stonehand - Dwarf ...
Bundle of Fantasy Age
Bundle of Holding: Dragon Age/Fantasy Age: Available until March 12. PA
Presents: Fantasy AGE Freeport live play Green Ronin in 2018 The Fantasy
Age RPG ma...
New Free PDF Module: The Hyqueous Vaults
A new dungeon module—written in celebration of OSRIC's 10th Birthday—by
Rebecca Dettmann, Allan T. Grohe, Jr., Jimm Johnson, Matthew Riedel, Alex
Zisch, a...
Swords & Wizardry Light: Session # 6
Two months after our last session (thanks to things like 8th grade finals,
a 4 year-old's birthday and party, Father's Day, etc.), we finally had our
next ...