Sunday, October 20, 2024

Bundle of Holding - Unknown Armies 3E

I've followed Unknown Armies over the past few years without ever taking "the dip." I've been intrigued by the system and default setting, but I have never committed to buying into the system before now.

The Starter Collection for Unknown Armies, at 7.95, fits my needs perfectly. At just under 21 bucks as I type this, the Complete Bundle intrigues me, but it may be beyond my current level of interest.

Adept! This all-new Unknown Armies 3E Bundle presents Unknown Armies, the 2016 Third Edition of the acclaimed Atlas Games tabletop roleplaying game about broken people risking everything to change the world. Reality as we know it is shaped by a group of 333 people so dedicated to certain attributes that they become the archetypes of the Invisible Clergy, who are locked in an eternal struggle for power. Your characters are pawns in this power struggle – and you're hoping to join the ranks of the Clergy itself. You might struggle against the New Inquisition, the Sect of the Naked Goddess, or your own deteriorating sanity. You might face vampires, godwalkers, or fellow practitioners of magick. Against unrelenting opposition, will you win through?

Created by Greg Stolze and John Tynes, Unknown Armies is a game of postmodern occult intrigue, transcendental horror, and furious action. It's about driven characters who gain the power to alter reality until it aligns with their fevered desires – about obsession and identity – about revealing the horrible truth we don't want to see, and claiming that truth for yourself. It's about being relentlessly, hopelessly human.

For just US$7.95 you get all five titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $35) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks or MP3 music tracks, including the first rulebook (Book 1: Play) with all the rules for players, plus the introductory scenario Maria in Three Parts and three sets of ambient music tracks composed by James Semple: Upsetting Anomalies, Unnatural Artistry, and Uncanny Acuity.

And if you pay more than the threshold price of $20.82, you'll level up and also get our entire Complete Collection with twelve more titles worth an additional $64, including four more rulebooks – Book 2: Run, Book 3: Reveal, Book 4: Expose, and Book 5: Mine – along with the full-length scenario Bring Me the Head of the Comte de Saint-Germain and seven "Campaign Starter Kits": Derby Girls Destroy DC, Heroin Highway, Karmic Ties and Fifth Wheels, Raiders of the Lost Mart, Sacred Pharma, Violence Inherent in the System, and Young Practicals.


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